Is it normal to overanalyze iin

I get a nagging feeling that I'm either not liked on is it normal or that no one cares. I wouldn't care but there are some awesome people on here and as much as i'd like to think I don't I really care about their opinion of me. IIN.

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 28 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Holzman67

    A user on here once told me that I sounded like "a dumb person trying to sound smart or a smart person who doesn't know how to talk to people." So that kind of disheartened me a bit thinking that may be the general consensus of me, but then I thought well I'm only being honest, people can judge me how they will. The next time I logged in some anonymous user had bought me gold and was praising me.

    It's like Bob Dylan once said;
    "I got mixed up confusion and its a killin' me, there's just too many people and they're all too hard to please."
    Just be yourself. Fuck the insecurities.

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  • dom180

    What you've got to do is care less. But caring less is difficult because people want to care; caring is what motivates us to be social animals.

    So what you've got to really do is care about *lots* of different things. That way it hurts less if things don't work out somewhere, because if that happens at least you've got all these other places to go and all these other great people to spend time with.

    *That* means you have to go and explore other places. When I first came here one of the reasons I loved it was because people listened to me here and I could voice myself here. That made me anxious, and the way to heal that anxiety was to find other places where I could do those things. That meant that if I lost IIN it wouldn't be the end of the world.

    So I suppose the problem isn't about IIN. It's about everything apart from IIN. Take your happiness from IIN, and spend it fostering new relationships in other places.

    EDIT: And yes, it's normal.

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    • I've always been interesred in what you have to say as we tend to agree on most things. It's true the problem lies somewhere other than IIN but I rarely feel happiness on IIN anymore, for some reason It's mainly just self doubt

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Are you new? For most people it takes a while to be noticed here, and even longer for people to express that they've noticed you, seeing as how we're all anonymous. Some people have a bolder personality that gets noticed quicker, but that's usually the more negative people. Being negative isn't necessarily a bad thing, I tend to like those people because they're very honest.

    I don't think you have to worry about being hated unless you're that white supremacist guy that posts the same paragraph on multiple posts.

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    • Haha no i'm not that guy. I'm not usually big on trolls but there are a few I have liked. sadly not here anymore. May he smoke in peace.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Im not wanted anywhere. I stopped giving a fuck. Flip them the bird and MOVE ON!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    They are trolls that have trolls and their trolls have trolls.

    I wish you well in your future endeavours.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I'll go and eat worms.

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    • gummy_jr

      I like you :D I've even gotten special bird seeds for you and saved a special spot in the Gummy Bear forest just for you

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      • dirtybirdy

        Aww you're so sweet I'm gonna eat'cha.

        Wait a minute! You're trying to get me all sticky, aren't you?! Excellent :D

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    • Terence_the_viking

      I loves ya dirty burdy i finks your mind is purdy.

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      • dirtybirdy



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  • Everybody hates me, it makes me sad, and angry at myself.

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    • dirtybirdy


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      • Meowwwwww.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      No you are cool.

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      • Thank you.

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        • Terence_the_viking

          you're most welcome.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I think it's normal to want approval or recognition from the other users. Or, at the very least, respect. I tell myself that I don't care how others percieve me but I'd be lying if that were true for all users. It really depends on the specific person and the types of interactions I have had with them.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      You rock.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Thank you. :)

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  • ifonlyuknew247

    One more thing - online interactions, specifically, are very impersonal by their very nature. Those of us who were around before the Internet are much more acutely aware of the difference. I can't speak for all of them/us, but I know as for me, I definitely am shocked and saddened that words on the screen, characters and shapes that make them up (in construction and in the fact that they're "made up"), when viewed by someone who believes them often enough, will lead to a promising, beautiful young person with their entire future ahead of them to decide they are worthless based on the "opinions" which are actually what's the worthless factor in the equation, and hang themselves in their room. It makes me borderline homicidal with the tragic, unnecessary injustice.

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  • ifonlyuknew247

    This is normal, but you have to realize that social media isn't everything, other people's opinions (real or not, with their own agenda or not, knowing who you are or not having a clue, understanding your issue or not being able to empathize at all) aren't everything, feedback isn't everything, popularity isn't everything. You are given the gift of you to do something wonderful. Whether or not others like or dislike you (and I don't consider it possible for someone to dislike me without knowing me somewhat, unless it's for a completely blanket generic reason that is not personal at all), YOU have to like you. Then you'll realize how lame everyone is who actually doesn't like you (which is probably about 10% or less of who you think), and you'll also realize the fact that most people don't even know you, so they can't possibly judge you. Find fulfillment in yourself so you won't ever need anyone else. That's when other people come flocking to you.

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  • Short4Words

    I always felt like everyone hated me here, but it turns out it's only some. I'm sure you have people that are happy when they see you post.

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    • kelili

      We all have some people here who don't like us. It's normal :)

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      • Terence_the_viking

        You are awesome too i think we got off on the wrong foot.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      You are awesome don't change wo your are.

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