Is it normal to panic because of a sound
I’m a very unemotional guy, I’m told I’m monotone and chill, but anytime I hear violent banging on a wooden door my brain goes haywire.
I’m 19 and in college, when I was a kid my dad was a violent drunk and would always slam his fists against my bedroom door because I would lock him out, I’d usually sit against the door so it would jolt my back.
I visited him in prison a few months ago, and there was a plastic panel with a wooden panel between us, he got pissed at me and punched the wooden panel really hard and I left.
Since then, anytime I hear loud banging on wood my brain goes in to panic mode and I wind up sobbing, puking, or hurting myself trying to get away from the noise. My heart beats like it’s going to explode and I get tunnel vision, I sweat but feel cold and the banging sounds abnormally loud, I’ve blacked out from it once.
My roommate came back drunk one day and was banging on our door, so I punched the window out and sliced up my arm, I just got out of stitches while I’m typing this.