Is it normal to pick at and peel skin?

I use to put glue all over my hands and let it dry and then peel it off a lot as a child and I think this habit of mine has grew into something more...odd. While, peeling dry glue of my hands is fun in its own way I really enjoy peeling skin off. Now this may sound weird but what I mean is, I enjoy peeling dry/dead skin that's already peeling on its own.

I had this deodorant that caused the skin on my under arms to peel. I spent hours just sitting there peeling it. It was entertaining. But unfortunately, there was only so much skin to peel before all the peeling skin was gone.

I don't only peel my own skin but my boyfriend's as well. I noticed one time that his underarms were also peeling and I sat there for hours picking at the skin trying to peel it off. It was like once I saw it, I had to peel it and once I started I couldn't stop until it was all gone.

I also enjoy extracting blackheads. I know it seems gross but something about it just seems satisfying. After all the picking and such I noticed that I had no more black heads which was a bummer. But lo and behold, my boyfriend had some. So my picking days began again. He finds it weird that I do this, but he doesn't complain much.

When I see peeling skin or a black head I get a strong urge to peel the skin or remove the obstruction. I can literally spend hours doing this and not get bored at all.

Is this weird? Does anyone else get a strange satisfaction of peeling skin and extracting blackheads?

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63% Normal
Based on 30 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • squirrelgirl

    You may have a more mild form of what's called "excoriation disorder". aka compulsive skin picking.

    I pick at my zits, hives, lips, hangnails and even the callouses on my feet until they bleed or it's too painful to continue. Then when I get scabs, I pick at those too.

    I'm friends with someone with fairly severe acne and it makes me frustrated that they won't let me pop their zits. They have caught me staring at their zits and it takes every ounce of my willpower for me not to reach over and pop them.

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  • chole

    Normal. It invokes a sense of cleansing yourself, leading to fulfillment and satisfaction.

    Though I must say, you are particularly more interested in it than many.

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  • Arm0se

    I like doing the glue thing too...

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