Is it normal to pick at your finger nails constily?

Ok At school,in the car,on the bus,at home,before i go too sleep,I pick my finger nials!I dont bite them i pick them!Its hard to stop it!Like everyday at school my finger nails bleed and i go down to the office everyday to get a bandaid!Its hard to stop!My finger Nails are really short!My teacher sees it!Everyone sees it!I cant even paint them!Plz is it nomral or not!

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47% Normal
Based on 30 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • myownopinions

    If they're bleeding then that's not good. Try taping your fingers around the nail and snapping yourself with a rubber band around your wrist whenever you get the urge to pick.

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    • keeshaisreallykesha

      Well there like ever second day there bleeding..>So yea...

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