Is it normal to pick your lips?

I have a tendency to pick at my lip, peel the skin off and sometimes eat it. I don't know why but, to me its just like a scab, you always want to pick it. I try to stop doing it but, sooner or later I catch myself doing it. I remember one time I caught myself in class and also caught a girl staring at me. It was so embarassing. So is this normal?

Feel free to offer advice on how to stop this addiction.

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 86 votes (62 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • pull a rubber band on your wrist every time u do it , if u want to give up twang it hard

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    • Harder!

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  • Shackleford96

    I tend nibble at dead skin on my lips... It's a bad nervous habit that I've somehow developed over the years.

    Chapstick might help.

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  • Curious_Questions

    P.S. I forgot to mention -- drink a lot of water, too. Most of the reason people get dry pick-able lips in the first place is because of dehydration. And the long nail thing I mentioned is equally as effective as having super short nails-- so if you're a guy, or a girl who doesn't want long nails, just cut them down enough so that you can't really feel them when you scratch your arm. This will make it impossible for you to pick at your lips as well.

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  • Curious_Questions

    It's normal if you have OCD or any other kind of anxiety, really. Which everyone has to some extent. I do this too. It's embarrassing but other people (even those who don't have OCD) have done it from time to time, they just don't have a habit of it. Like biting your nails. Who HASN'T bitten their nails at least a couple times? But I wouldn't say that this habit, at least for me, is particularly healthy because while most anxiety-relieving physical things (tapping your foot, etc) are harmless, this can lead to very dry skin on your lips and cuts, etc, which can't be good. And people notice after a while, like you said. Plus- I've noticed that it creates a cycle, since the skin that comes back over picked-lip-skin is harder than normal skin until it's fully healed over, which makes you want to pick at it even more. Solution: every time you feel like picking your lips, put vaseline on them. Makes it impossible to pick at the skin. Also before you go to bed-- and this you can do even if you're a male and don't want to have shiny lips in the daytime-- because the vaseline will slowly moisturize your skin, lasts a while, and your skin will become so smooth that you won't want to pick at it. Seriously, the vaseline trick works within days if you do it every night. Also, it will help a lot to grow your nails out long (if you're a girl)! Having long nails makes picking at the skin on your lips actually difficult to do, especially if they are squared edged nails. Those make it hard to even grasp dead/crispy (sounds gross, I know) skin in the first place. And regardless of male or female, if you ever do have dry skin on your lips, instead of picking it off, brush them gently with a toothbrush and some water just to exfoliate them a little (helps to follow this with some kind of lip balm). This will exfoliate the skin on your lips naturally, getting rid of skin that *should* be gotten rid of, as opposed to you picking at the skin yourself and taking off actual layers of it.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Nice book

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  • IsitUnique

    I broke my finger nail before and the next day or two I started peeling it off in class, thinking no body was watching. Apparently this lil white boy was watching the whole time and I quit right after because I felt creeped out.(yeah I was the victim here somehow) but he didn't get to see, he thought he was going to be able to finish the season,but I didn't give him the finale.

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  • Ilovewinter12

    I have the same habit. People have told me to stop doing it becuase it's bad (obviously), but I can't help it.

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  • squirrelgirl

    It's called dermatillomania or compulsive skin picking. It's related to OCD. I have it. I used to pick at my acne, but now that it's almost completely cleared up, I pick at my lips and scalp instead. I'll also pick bug bites, blisters and scabs too. Sometimes all the picking leads to minor infections; I'm honestly surprised that I haven't gotten anything serious by now.

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  • loopoo

    You are my twin. I do this to the point when I make them bleed. It is a form of OCD I've read.

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