Is it normal to piss all over a stall toilet seat in a men's room?

Some guys prefer to pee in a toilet in a bathroom stall instead of in a urinal. I always lift the seat up with my shoe and then pee in the toilet. However, I have noticed that many other guys leave the seat down and piss all over it when taking a leak. Is this normal behavior?

Those guys make it a real hassle for someone who needs to later sit on the seat to take a dump - either the next guy has to sit in a puddle of someone else's piss or he will have to wipe up the piss and coat the seat with lots of toilet paper to avoid sitting in a wet spot.

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39% Normal
Based on 122 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )

    if I am pissed off at the store I will clog up the toilets and pee all over it other wise I sit to pee.

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  • mycatrocks12

    You're really weird.

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  • pwnhead

    they don't do that on purpose, some men (like me) have troubles making their pee go into a straight line. when i pee it sometimes splashes all over the place. i'm no even sure why.
    i allways clean it up if i got some pee on the toilet seat, but some people are just too lazy for that.

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  • Avant-Garde

    This is why we should avoid using public toilets all together. I suppose that it's because they weren't taught better or they don't care that someone will use the stall after them. You should the female toilets, pads on the floor and clogging up the toilet, pee on the floor and seats, strange things on the wall,etc.

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  • peeboi37

    some guys havean unpredictable stream, that sometimes splits into 2 separate streams depending on the pressureand the grip.

    thats why you find bathmats it dollar stores

    not a place for a persian rug

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  • Inspector019


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  • It's called being assholes. It would just be fun to piss in their drinks and let them drink their own medicine.

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  • Mr.Pink

    gives insecure people a feeling of control. quite normal. Just like any form of vandalism (apart from the times when the individual is delivering some sort of message or being artistic)...(though i doubt a person is pissing all over a seat to prove a point)

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  • dom180

    I piss in toilets, but always take care to avoid splash on the seat. That's just fukin' inconsiderate.

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  • Rick_Bawls

    The only time I ever piss in a stall toilet is when the urinals are all taken. It is disgusting when I see that the seat is covered in piss.

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