Is it normal to play computer games?

Is it normal to play computer games?
I've only told a couple of close friends who wouldn't care about me playing games, because I guess i feel comfortable. Im a male with a girlfriend, and i would never tell her i play a online game.
I just dont wanna seem like some wierdo.

Is it normal to feel this way?

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 68 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • harrypotters

    Get with the times heaps of people play computer and other video games. It is nothing to be ashamed of, if you have spare time why not actually do something you like in it. Anyone that thinks you are wierd or a nerd needs to grow up.

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  • Oh my god get these petty immature kids off of this site. Seriously I think that the Management should ask intellegent and wise questions to the people trying to make an account and make them ask an IIN question as a test to see if they arent morons and if they dont score high enough they arent aloud to make an account because this is just getting pathetic people are just posting random crap for the sake of posting random crap or they are just morons spreading their idiotic stories on here that no one really gives a crap about.

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    • Legion

      Its an honest question. Why critisize him for it? Its not like he asked something like "Wanting to kill animals", or "sex with your Sister, Cousin,mom,etc". those people do it mainly for attention, beacause they know society has strong feelings against such acts.

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    • Legion

      Yeah, maybe they should. It would get "Some people" off this site.

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  • blacklady

    then check out this site

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  • mellomaninacan

    why be ashemed its not hurtin no one

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  • InsertBlankHere

    Beats the hell out of watching television.

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  • alv1592

    of course it's normal. i love games. :)

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  • Why would playing online games be weird and watching tv not? Ffs video games are way more entertaining than any reality tv bs.

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  • I guess all the people who bought PS3's (me included), Xbox's and anything else related to online gaming or video games are weirdos?

    Come on, you're a guy, it's perfectly normal for you to play video games and online games and I'll tell you something, if it makes me a "weirdo", I'm one damn proud weirdo!

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