Is it normal to poop outdoors all of the time?

I hate pooping inside, it freaks me out... For the last 6 years I have been pooping outside. At first I would go to this field a half mile from my house. But, as I started pooping more often (4-5 times) a day, it became very inconvenient to walk down to the field. As a solution I began pooping in my backyard, when my mom saw all the shit in the yard she was pissed and grounded me. Now, I lay my loads in the neighbors yard. I have heard him yelling when he finds it, but he doesn't know its me!

Yes! I do this too 8
I am going to start pooping outside 8
No, absolutely not 17
That sounds fun! 10
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Comments ( 6 )
  • mystery7

    Normal, but you gotta dig a hole and cover it up.

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  • peterr

    Get your shit together man!

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  • pixie_dust

    sounds weird but whatever, dude

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  • wigsplitz

    Why don't you get one of those outdoor composting toilets?

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  • At least take a shovel with you and bury it, like cats do. You should be ashamed, animals have better hygiene standards than you!

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    • SmokeCheck

      I am not ashamed, I am quite proud!!

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