Is it normal to pray shirtless?

Because of the hot in the south hemisphere, I have been praying shirtless recently but I don't know if it's accepted.

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79% Normal
Based on 29 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • billygoatsgruf

    Jesus said praying should be done privately, so I don't see why clothes should be required.

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  • flyingnostalgia

    At least you are wearing pants. But if it is accepted or not is up to God do decide.

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  • eskimobitcheslovemywhitecock

    God loves boobs

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    • TrunksHitachi

      And manboobs?

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  • Popeawesomethe1st

    God knows you're naked under your clothes.

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  • bigol'dick

    I don't see why not. Pray butt naked with your mother's entire head up your ass if you want. That would be weird, but does God really care about what is or isn't normal?

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  • Short4Words

    *Whips back*

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  • thegypsysailor

    Honestly? I assume you have made a mistake in your meaning here. The southern hemisphere isn't any warmer than the northern one and possibly a bit cooler overall, because of the mass of Antarctica.
    I believe what you really meant to say is that as one MOVES south towards the Equator it gets hotter, right?
    Since there is no gawd, I doubt that this nonexistent entity gives two shits whether you have a shirt on when you speak to it or not.

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    • billygoatsgruf

      You would think a world traveling sailor would be able to figure this out. But I believe what the OP is talking about with the recent hot in the Southern Hemisphere is the fact that currently, the Southern Hemisphere is moving toward Summer, just as the Northern Hemisphere is moving toward Winter. As they get close to Summer, it gets hotter. Didn't they teach you that in your French Boarding school on a commercial fishing vessel when you were 12?

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      • thegypsysailor

        Really? Gee why didn't I know what the OP meant? Foolish, foolish me. You are probably the OP, right?

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        • billygoatsgruf

          No I'm not. I don't live below the equator, speak with broken English or pray. I am a person with a normal level of reading comprehension and common sense. You might notice no other commenter seemed to be at all confused. Only you.

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