Is it normal to prefer animals to people?
I'm becoming more and more disillusioned with people and seriously prefer animals.
Do you think this is normal?
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I'm becoming more and more disillusioned with people and seriously prefer animals.
Do you think this is normal?
Me too. Animals are nothing but honest. When an animal loves you, it doesn't come with a set of conditions or expectations or the knowledge that they're going to cheat on you with another human. Animals are easy and some things in life really need to be easy, because the rest of it is so damned difficult.
I sure hope you are kidding because it is not normal for an adult to be interested in mentally handicapped children.
One day you will be mentally handicapped, then feel sorry for posting this
Hrmmm, someone is sexist because they never get it tommythecat? I think so
Someone isn't very perceptive i see.
I get laid alot, thats WHY i'm a little sexist. Most highly sexed guys are very sexist, you really don't know that?
Just like most rapists aren't guys who can't get laid, they're usually guys who do well with women. You see success with women causes alot of men to have bad attitudes towards them, it's psych 101 you dope. And now comes the "oh yeah sure" reply, because you're fucking dumb!
I olso luve humsters thei r fur mur betta then pipl it's pity they are so little! If they were bigger it would be sooo nice to have sex with them.
“The more I know about people, the better I like my dog.” – Mark Twain
Yes! Normal!
A lot of people are like that. Animals are great but you can never give up on people completely. A lot of what animals do is mistaken by humans to mean something else that fulfills what they are missing.there are things animals can't do for you
I also prefer animals to people and I will tell you why.? People always have ulterior motives and put conditions on love abd acceptance. An animal will love you unconditionally and all they want is a little food and some love. They will return that 1000% and love you whether rich or poor, young or old, skinny or fat, happy or sad, beautiful or disfigured. In other words they will love you no matter what . I get more joy from my two cats and they can put a smile on my face during my darkest hours. Animals are so forgiving because they even love people that mistreat them . Animals are precious gifts from God and should never be harmed , abused , or mistreated. Anyone who does abuse a helpless animal should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and get some help because they are sick individuals . If I found out or witnessed an animal being abused I would intervene kick their sick ass and enjoy it and not lose a bit of sleep over it and I feel that they got what they deserved. So next time any nut case psychos want to harm an animal instead come see me cause I'll set your sick ass straight and it will not be pretty.
Animals are a lot smarter than people are,they just dont let people know that.People in general are usually fucked up in the head from day one.
Normal to be disillusioned with people. The human species is capable of so much hatred and destruction. Yet we still need to interact and work with, have relationships with, procreate with, and take care of people.
Not normal to prefer animals to people and this happens when we cross the line of anthorpomorphism. Animals aren't substitutes for people. Animals are either in their natural habitats which we must respect the boundaries of, or they are bred to fulfill specific purposes (like protection or farmwork for example). An animal will merely respond to the food and shelter that we provide for it, the boundaries and limitations that we hopefully establish for it, and the role that we train it for--Nothing more. To expect an animal to respond to us the way we want/need other humans to respond to us this is not fair to the intrinsic needs of an animal, and it definitely isn't fair to the human race that we need to propell forward for better or worse. Peace.
Of course it is. The majority of humanity is outright evil, not in the sense that they are full of selfishness and vanity, but they hurt animals or other people if they can get away with it. Not to mention the filthy hubris of humanity, always using the man-made divine as an excuse to impose their fake superiority and significance.
Some people just like to think that humans are 'superior' to other species. It is convenient for many to think that animals don't have feelings, as it means they can perform all kinds of barbaric acts towards them without guilt.
So yes, it is okay to like animals more than people, whether it's about loving them very much, or hating humanity.
I happen to think puppies are tremendously cuter than babies. When I see a baby, I don't know what the hell to do with it. I think it's strange and awkward. I can't even hold them. But when I see a puppy, I pick them up and squeeze them and cuddle them, and I think they're so damn precious. I can see my self having zero kids with a few pups in my future.
yeah, that's normal. I don't like either, but if I have to get along with someone I'd rather have a pet.
I clicked no when I meant yes. I know a lot of people like this. Animals are so pure, and incapable of spite, greed, and betrayal!
It's very easy to love animals more than people. They're just so lovely, and not nearly as complicated and frustrating a some humans can be. And most of them are just so cute! I mean I could sit and be amused at how adorable micro pigs arexD! They're just so bloody cute:D!!
I do love people more though, mainly just because of my friends.
I was born being disillusioned with people and have always preferred animals to humans.
Who in their right mind wouldnt want an animal companion to human? Maybe a human AND animal companion isnt so bad since you still have the animal no matter what, but if it was human OR animal it would be animal.
Animal preferrably being dog, but I can compromise.