Is it normal to press sharp ended sheets down under nails?
From a VERY early age I have always had a comfort habit of sucking my thumb which has dissapated as I have aged. BUT another habit has become an obsession which is the urge to find unhemmed sharp edged sheets, fold them into a point and poke the under my nails which I find incredibly comforting. It has got to the point where I look specifically for high quality hotel sheets and buy them then cut them up into small pieces to carry with me! No-one notices this and it does no harm but I realise it is very very odd. I’m not secretive about it and will openly admit to this odd habit. I was hospitalised for 2 years due to a serious health condition which ended in me having a liver transplant and it was then I discovered that NHS starched sheets, unhemmed at the sides made perfect material! I now have a huge collection of various sheets! Am I very strange?