Is it normal to pretend to be religious to be socially accepted?

i'm an atheist (an outspoken one online at that). i feel like i'm a better person when i'm free from "the rules". however, when i'm not sure if someone believes as i do, i tell them i'm christian or catholic. i don't know why, i just don't want people to think i'm a bad person for not believing in an old geezer in the sky. it's not that i don't like religion either, i just don't like how some people take it too seriously. i just feel like other people would prefer it if i said i were religious

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Mr.Pink

    In my opinion if you cant stand up for what you truly think and believe then your abit of a waste of space really :/ and i truly feel sorry for you

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    • jwyatt123


      Once it is said that he is an atheist, that will throw off their whole perception of him.

      Everything thereafter will be in the mind that "he is an atheist" so they see him differently and treat him differently.

      When in actuality he is not different, he is one in the same, but they do not perceive.

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      • Mr.Pink

        really .. you dont say.. how is that this persons issue? if thou dust consort with sirs of that type thou deservuth judgement!!

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  • dom180

    You should tell them what you believe, you are only empowering their beliefs by going along with them. I understand your problem though, I imagine that telling them is quite awkward. At least tell them that you won't go to church anymore though, that is a small step at least.

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  • Tehboss

    you say you are free from rules but then follow them ?

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  • Shackleford96

    You kind of sound like a poser to me.

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    • onelove1121

      I disagree, if you are gay but in the closet does that make you a poser?

      On topic, I as well am an agnostic but I strongly believe in evolution. With that being said, around my friends and peers I express my true beliefs, but around adults I tend to say I'm Catholic. The main reason is so that people don't judge me over that fact, even though I wouldn't judge someone based on religious beliefs myself.

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      • Shackleford96

        If you can not stand up for something that you believe in, or accordingly do not believe in, then that makes you a poser in my book. If you were really an avid non-believer or whatever, then you would not care what other people think about your beliefs or lack thereof.

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  • Were you a member of the JIM JONES cult?

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  • Green125

    Do your studying. It wouldnt hurt to at least try to look for a god.

    I dont know if this would interest you, but Catholics can believe in a God-driven evolution. It doesnt have to be a literal 6 days. Do a search for the Magis center for reason and faith.

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  • CinnamonToast

    Lying and pretending isn't cool. It'll bring you more trouble than peace. I can understand why you do it; I pretended to like hockey more than I actually do to make a friend I shouldn't have... when I was 7.

    I learned better, and you should too. Lying's more trouble than it's worth.

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  • xhero

    I get that feeling as well. I'm an Atheist, raised by Agnostics, and I live in the Bible Belt.
    It really hurts to feel like everyone will hate you once they know what you are. I personally have forced myself to be truthful when asked, but if religion is brought up and nobody specifically asks what I believe, I keep my mouth shut.

    You're not a 'poser' for being scared. You certainly have a reason to be scared. When people found out about me and my family in middle school, I was regularly hit and insulted (though I had always been a quiet, bookish little girl), and in high school even a few teachers didn't like me because of my beliefs and were plenty vocal about it.

    If it makes you feel safer to pretend, by all means, go ahead. Most Atheists wouldn't think less of you for doing so.

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  • xEmilyStrangex

    You should never be ashamed of what you feel/believe, if someone is going to judge you based on your religous beliefs they are the ones missing out.

    I personally am a Christian, but I would never judge nor dis-like someone just because they didn't share my views (As long as they are not rude about it)

    My view is that I would never try and push my beliefs on someone so I don't expect people to try and push there non beleifs on me.

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  • themanspeaks

    I feel you, but you should be strong in your belief. If you are an athiest, you most likely believe this life is the best and the only one, so you would want to live this life passionately. I do not pretend to be christian because I want to live so passionately i will accept no substitute for my beliefs

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  • Chokolat

    I think that's why most people are Christian, because they see the majority as Christian and just assume it's right.

    But, try to be more open open being atheist. I'm buddhist, ALL of my friends are Christian. If they're a good kind-hearted person they don't care anyway. And if they do care, they probably aren't a good person either way.

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  • You must live in a strange country; in the U.S., one must pretend to be an atheist to fit in.

    As for taking religion seriously, If you genuinely believe in God, then his expectations are obviously a very serious matter.

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    • InvadingPotatoLeader

      Really? I always thought the US was a very Christian country.
      Here in Europe it's very much okay to be an Atheist, Europe and East Asia are the most atheist parts of the world so i'm glad i'm born here and given the choice to think for myself, not being brainwashed into believing in some religious nonsense (no offense) since the moment i was born.

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  • howaminotmyself

    if you want to be free from the "rules" you should stop playing by the ones you don't agree with. Your behavior is only perpetuating the ignorance.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      i live free from the rules, but i'm afraid other people will perceive me as a bad person if i don't pretend

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      • howaminotmyself

        I am other people and I don't think you are a bad person. And I'm not that unique.

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