Is it normal to procrastinate everything, everyday?
I lost my job one and 1/2 weeks ago. I have always been depressed, so that is not new. But for the last week and 1/2 I have not hardly gotten out of bed at all. I haven't showered, applied for unemployment, taken out the garbage and recycling, checked the mail, laundry etc. I applied for only 2 jobs and was not the right match. It is all I can do to even move. I am in dire need of a shower, but I keep putting it off. The other people who were laid off, 300 of us, have gotten jobs and moved on. I can't seem to. I don't have insurance so I am out of my anti depressants, for a while now. I know what I need to do to get out of this, but it's like I am not in control of myself here. I told my parents I would come home to visit, as I have maybe a month and a half of rent in the bank, but I could have gone home a week ago, but have been in bed. My mom worries because she knows I am depressed and I don't call her or answer her texts, like I usually do. I know I just need to get in the shower, take out the garbage, pack up my car and go home, but there is something stopping me, seriously. I have no friends so there is no one for moral support. I feel like if I just stopped existing, that would be fine. No that is not a suicide threat, I just am so apathetic, or something. Don't know what to do. Is this normal? It sure does not feel normal.