Is it normal to push all of the people i love away?

Ever since I can remember I've had issues with trusting people, I always felt like people would hurt me so I pushed them away instead. I guess it's because my dad left and never came back that I have this issue but I'm really clueless. Is it normal to push all of the people I love away?

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53% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • thegypsysailor

    You are going to have to get over this before it ruins your life. Your dad did whatever he did because of many reasons, but I assure you, you were not one of them (that he left you may be his one big regret).
    But it's over and done with (a long time ago) and you survived. Don't let it become an excuse to close yourself off from others.
    Others will probably hurt you as well, but still others will not, and they will become your friends and lovers; those who will be there for you when you need them. That is the plus column, the one to bank on and look forward to.

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  • It's normal to be scared but it's not good for you to push everyone away, you should really try and work through this because you don't want to lose anyone close to you.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've done this for years but, recently, I have been opening up a bit more in my emotional expressiveness and have been trying with people. You got to stopped doing this, least you'll be miserable and alone.

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  • ireporteverythingfornoreason

    reported for cursing

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  • pastor_of_muppets

    I reach out to eeeeverybody and let them in. Then I push them away one by one. Not because of some soppy reason like "I always get hurt" but because I just like pushing stuff

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  • WhiteStallion

    You tend to distance yourself from others because you feel they're going to leave anyway ~read this shit somewhere...

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    • pastor_of_muppets

      Ellen Degenitals said that. Probably.

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  • TareBear20

    I have been pushing everyone away. Everyone has hurt me, so why not? I'm trying to stay in touch with a few people, but even that gets hard and I tend to disappear for a few days. It might have a lot to do with my family being full of scumbags, but mostly it's because my life is rather hard lately. I have about 15 unread messages in my facebook inbox and I'm only going to open one of them, because there's only one person in that mix I'm willing to talk to. I don't think it's wrong or right, but it's good to be cautious and protect your heart. Other than my guy, there's only 3 other people I devote time to, because they are the most genuine of anyone who tries to talk to me. Am I an asshole? Maybe, but I choose my friends carefully.

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