Is it normal to put others before me due to my arrogance?

I tend to have more of an interest in putting others happiness or well-being ahead of my own, even if it could do harm me or take away from what I have. I do this because I feel, I can handle the loss much more easily than everyone else or I just try to appreciate the things I have already and feel sorry for them. In a way I'm kind of arrogant, and feel sorry for them and believe they are not as strong as me to recuperate as quickly.

Examples would be, going out of my way to help/fix my friends with their insecurities or relationships with others. Or if anyone tries to fight for someone or something against me, I just let them have it because I believe they need it more than I do since they fight passionately vs me being nonchalant about it. Is it normal to feel this way?

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71% Normal
Based on 28 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • you just have a cool attitude:)

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  • Fanfair25

    It's funny, I'm the SAME exact way. I think it's normal. But sometimes it can be to the extent where it's unhealthy & you NEED to take care of yourself instead of others sometimes. People are capable of taking care of themselves even tho it may not seem that way.

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  • emilydoll

    Yep. That's better than letting people use you and NOT being arrogant so it doesn't hurt you.

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  • bee03

    You are very mature. Good for you

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I get you. I sometimes find myself doing the same thing.

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  • I understand how you feel.

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  • iloveyou24

    Well, honestly... it sounds like you feel as if you are trying to act "older" or more mature than the other person. & If they ever some back with a snippy comment then you know that they feel as if you are down grading them! Just be nice & considerate. & Try not to be the "adult" in the situation all the time. maybe they just want a friend to listen to them & not give them advice!!
    But no judgement & i'm sure your friends appreciate your input.

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