Is it normal to put your face to food to see if it's cooked enough?

Whenever I'm microwaving something to eat, I always have this habit of carrying the plate to my face so I can feel how warm it is. Is this normal and does anyone else do it?

It's normal. I do it myself. 19
It's normal, but I don't do that, 26
It's not normal. 25
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Comments ( 7 )
  • rmorrison1

    If it's your own food then it is fine but if anyone sticks their snout in my food to get a whiff then they will get a swift smack in the head.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I will look at some types of cooked food closely. I won't do this with food/substances that are boiling and extremely oily due to safety concerns.

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  • ToxicCrayons

    I hold the back of my fingers just above the food.

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  • Makes more sense to use your hands or finger tips as they are more sensitive and therefore more accurate.

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  • yes

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  • llama12

    When I take something out of the microwave I put my tongue on it to see if it's warm enough.

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  • DaydreamBeliever

    I look at it, and feel the container with my hands. They seem to gauge temperature fairly alright, and if I feel particularly brave, stick my finger in and hope it doesn't burn.

    Clumsy is just a way of being adventurous.

    Though I see your logic, the forehead is sensitive to heat. I just think that fingertips work just as fine. :D

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