Is it normal to question god's existence?

Long story short, my family and I went to a holiday resort with a bunch of Christians, everybody was so nice and cheerful all the time even though they had family or money problems.
We watched a movie about religious things and it just really got me questioning my self and what I believe in.

My family recently converted into Christianity, we were Catholic before. It was amazing and interesting hearing people's stories about how God helped them through really hard and dire situations. I want to feel like I could rely on someone even though his not there in a physical form and talk to him about all my problems (God) however, I grew up watching Documentaries and shows about how the universe came to exist and basically I believed in the scientific side in how everything started.

I'm just really confused about how to feel like I believe in him and that his always there with me.

Did you guys grew up believing in him?
Or was it a choice you made in life?

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91% Normal
Based on 76 votes (69 yes)
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Comments ( 49 )
  • Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart

    I question the existence of "God" all the time, because there is no evidence to back this story up. Science is right, because most of their theories have been tried, tested and proven.

    Religion does not prove anything - it does not have evidence, nor is anybody able to logically prove anything. Religion is only good as a comfort tool, or as Napoleon Bonaparte stated, "religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich".

    However, if you feel the need to delude yourself in these false stories, it really is your own choice. Science is made of facts and religion is made of fiction.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Do you believe the bible is God's word?
      The bible says creation itself is proof and that man is without excuse.
      It does take faith though. But so does the "theory" of evolution-- more scientists now say there has to be an Intelligent Designer.

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  • Dot123

    God isn't real.

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    • BluntsRolled


      I was forced to attend church for the first 19 years of my life.

      Trust me when I say that religion is all a scam, and people who believe merely choose to believe because its comforting to them.

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    • somebody23

      ... do u have proof???

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      • Dot123

        The proof is science.

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        • Wambo37

          so lets say god does exist. You cant prove him with science. He is so perfect we cant see him. Just saying thats how a God would be. What about when I measure someone then kill him and measure him again! he will weight less because his soul will be gone(ofcourse no blood lost/ etc.). There are hundrets of examples ! things written in the old bible and q'ran! In tora and barnabas!

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          • Dot123

            The idea of God is real. But science is God.

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    • Daisydo

      How can anybody look at creation and not know that there is a God? Seek and find.

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      • Dot123

        There is no God. God is just a idea.

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      • 800imawesome

        How can somebody look at any creation and not think the magical bucket king did it? Your logic is flawed.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          What daisydo meant is anyone with wisdom knows an all powerful Creator is the source of everything -not some explosion.
          Do you believe humans evolved from single celled organisms that contained no human genes?
          It takes more faith to believe that than a God who we are accountable to.

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          • 800imawesome

            1. The Big Bang wasn't an explosion.
            2. There's proof that amino acids (inanimate matter) can turn into protiens necessary to sustain life.
            3. It takes NO faith, since we have proof.

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      • somebody23


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    • RaNdOmPoPcOrN


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  • DustinZ35

    To all the Jesus believers: haven't you ever considered the utterly self-contradiction the concept of Jesus as the ultimate martyr is? In the realistic version of martyrdom, say someone who dies in a war or saving someone else, we honor the dead because they really did give the ultimate sacrifice: their LIFE. They didn't get to come back from the dead while Jesus, on the other hand, only "died" for two fucking days and then was magically repaired, ascended into an abode of unfathomable luxury and pleasure, and is incessantly worshipped by many millions, ridiculously gullible though they are. THAT is the ultimate sacrifice?? And by the way, the way Jesus died as the Bible indicates isn't even close to the worst or most painful. I imagine some of the firefighters and office workers who tried to save lives in the WTC died in most excruciating ways.

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  • 800imawesome

    My defintion of God is nature, and life itself. Not some big invisible man who said, "I'm bored... I'ma make some thingies called humans!"

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's a very personal thing that you have your entire life to figure out. To many people, it makes more sense that there is no God and that the universe is the result of mathematical equations being played out over the course of billions of years..

    And to some people, it makes more sense to believe that this life and this world is not merely the result of some chemical reactions and a mathematical template and that there is some sort of grand designer out there, some of them choose to believe that what we have learned through scienctific endeavors is the result of said creation and some of them choose to reject the idea of science alltogether but once again, that's a personal thing

    Personally, I believe in a higher power. I know that there are people out there that think that I am crazy, worthless, stupid, the bain of society itself but my belief in God is just one of many of my beliefs and regardless I treat people with respect and I am a good member of society and if you can put yourself in a position in which you can seek out spiritual enlightenment and still live peacefully with reality then I see no reason as to why you shouldn't.

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  • Carlosolrac

    I'm agnostic and thought a lot about it too... and just wondered lots of things about religion and stuff. But as a christian and ex catholic you should know that catholic people are christian as well.

    I dont have a lot to talk about it... but i just dont believe that only existed one man like Jesus, and the other prophets known in the world are not seen like Jesus... it doenst make sense if you think about it! Why only Jesus? What about buda, Mohammed and other ones that existed?

    Think about it! I believe in Jesus... but as just as buda.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      There is one truth so the true God will seem intolerant to unbelievers but it doesn't change the truth. It's based on faith. You either believe or not believe that Jesus is the only God who died for his chosen people(all who believe)..

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      • Treehugger29

        Exept for the people who believe Jesus wasnt the real Messiah. Or that there is a God for anything. Or whatever makes you happy.

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  • Syniister

    You should question it. If you don't, you're not only brainwashed, you're straight up hard headed and stubborn.

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  • Wendell

    All peopl do at some time

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  • Dad


    I think you hit the nail on the head when you said did you grow up!

    There is zero evidence in any god existing.
    It would be lovely and comforting if it were true, but it seems the over whelming FACTS of natural existence without a god makes us grow up and live our lives without fairy tale beliefs.

    You stated 'he' is not there in the physical form. Exactly what form does he exist for you, and what do you base this on? Note: As at present time there has never been anyone ever basing a belief in a supernatural, as complicated as an all powerful god, in absolutely anything justifiable reasonable what so ever (zilch)

    Thankfully ALL public schools have removed religious education as mandatory in our modern scientific and NATURAL world.

    People lived on Earth 200k years
    Earth time: 5 Billion years
    Universe time: 13.7 billion years

    All accepted FACTS that children (thankfully) now learn normally at school.

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    • Wambo37

      I dont get if you are against belief in God or for ?

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      • 800imawesome

        He's against.

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  • Daisydo

    No matter how much you wonder about will feel a spirt that's beyond all human comprehension. If you only open your heart and mind. Allow yourself to be open to something larger than the universe. Blessings to you all :D

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    • 1.618033989

      I'm God. I just said, "let something happen," and bingo!
      When I get bored of Earth, I'll say, "Let there be an abrupt ending," and there will be an abrupt ending.

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    • Wambo37

      :D yess

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  • kelili

    I believe in Jesus

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    • Dad

      Do you know that the name 'Jesus' is STILL common in the Middle East (where your 'special' Jesus came from)?

      I'm thinking that, yes a man called Jesus existed and he was some type of spokesperson against the power of the time (possibly initiated by protecting his Mom from being stoned to death)

      So its all great that you feel for this 'man' that stood up to what he felt was right. But the religion and a 'God' (supernatural, complex, magical entity that waved his arm and created life??) is just ludicrous.

      I have no idea why some people still hold onto religion?
      Do you know that in the Middle East today, that if you said you believed in Jesus, you would likely be cruelly killed for blasphemy against the prophet Muhammad? (let alone Allah!) But you state your 'feeling' and also allow ALL the innocent children brought up under Islamic belief, to be possibly (likely from your ideas on your god) to be burnt forever? I mean that's just sad. The quicker you wake up and see 'Jesus' as not a 'Lord' and that a magical god does not exist, the better and more secure children, of the future, will live without unfounded fear, where ever they are born!

      There is no choice.
      NATURAL existence with evidence and facts, holds no god nonsense with NO evidence except an unfounded belief in religious ridiculousness.

      How do YOU get over this 'feeling'? Since obviously a universe of information has not helped you to date! By letting go of this invisible fairytale god concept and realize we live in reality. Ideally don't reply, but PLEASE read this twice, it 'may' help innocent children that you come in contact with in your life. I especially would feel very upset if you had children with your present crazy beliefs.

      People (humans) have been around for 200k years ONLY, that is ALL.
      Our planet is about 5Billion years old!
      The universe, about 13.7 BILLION.
      Time to know that, Man made god in his own image.

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      • Daisydo

        I thank God you're not my dad.

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      • kelili

        I love Lord Jesus Christ

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        • Dad

          Facts state he died.
          They put him on two planks of timber (as was the normal capital punishment of the time, in the Middle East. They actually use the 'hanging' method these days, which is still barbaric)

          No one saw him 'rise'. Nor is that Earthly naturally possible. How can the weight of his dead body mass float to the sky? (do note for people on the opposite side of the world that would mean he did not 'rise' but actually fell) Where the hell did it go? Is Jesus's body floating around the universe? Better inform NASA to keep a watch out!

          Jesus rose from the dead? Um I'm not 5.

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          • kelili

            Forgive them for they do not know what they say

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          • dude_Jones

            Yeh. Even if Jesus were mortal, the ethical precepts of Christianity would still be valid. Why not just trust that the Lord will give you grace to light the world.

            Accept the uncertainty of death as a process of nature. Quit being so f@cking obsessed and insecure about your own mortality.

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            • Dad

              I'm not sure if your comment is for Christianity or against (ie pretty sure the entire world / universe / everything, is natural NOT supernatural!)

              By the way here's some more thought provoking facts:

              Emperor Aurelian, in 274 C.E.(AD), declared December 25 a celebration of the birth of Mithras, the sun god. By 336 C.E.(AD), Christians replaced Mithras with Jesus birth on the same date!
              Virtually all of the mythical accounts of a savior Jesus have parallels to past pagan mythologies which existed long before Christianity.

              Christians did not originate the savior story.

              Actually DID YOU KNOW there is ZERO information about anyone called Jesus Christ at the time Jesus was supposedly performing miracles! I'm mean you'd THINK that someone (anyone) would write something or draw a picture or something?? But not one bit of literature of ANY jesus Christ whatsoever, except a few centuries later with the bible ONLY!! This is truly a miracle, I mean even I would have inscribed SOMETHING on a wall somewhere. Wow, either everyone hated this Jesus or he DIDN'T exist AT ALL < Most Likely.

              Strange hey? ;)

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      • Wambo37

        I never saw anyone named jesus here in the middle east! in lybia in egypt in saudi in syria! I lived everywhere! not a single jesus not a single facebook account for this name etc.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I had no choice in the matter, whether or not to believe in him, when I was growing up. Non-believers were basically worse than shit. My questioning of god and Christianity lead me to converting to something else. I am no longer a Christian. I don't believe in the Abrahamic system on god. I've had many theories as to what god could be. I believe that he is life/energy but, sometimes, I refer to him as being the universe.

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  • Treehugger29

    I grew up 'believing', mainly because my parents had decided to do so. When I grew up, they let me make my own choices, and I made the most logical one: To reject all beliefs. 'God' makes people feel comfortable, thats why so much people believe in him. To 'know' that, in the end, all is going to be okay is the biggest comforting lie in existence.

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  • CreativeThinker

    Yes it is totally normal and we should look for answers always

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  • commoner

    why question god's existence?

    you need to settle the.... IF god exists first.

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  • Memehoney

    I question God too at times but then I have to remember someone is responsible for all of the great miracles. I would just like to experience an encounter with him just to completely clarify it. It's in our human nature to question things which isn't a sin unless you deny him. But questioning him in times of grief, sorrow, and pain will happen but God so loved us that he gave his only son and sent Lucifer to hell for not loving us. So if that isn't proof... But this action is normal don't worry don't force yourself to become the perfect believer and truthfully we were taught religion as children I believe because it's cultural. But as we get older it is us who determine our beliefs. And what you believe is what you believe.

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  • phoenix_paradox

    Believing or not believing in God is not the real issue. The problem are relligions, they are the root of all evil, think it, read about it, go see it for yourself. As for me im sure this world would be by far a better place without religions or "holy" books.. They only drive us to hate each other. I dont think thats what God wanted from us. Fact: Holy books and religions were made by men, controlled by men, used by the same men as they want. Think for yourself. Read, research, unfold the truth.

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    • Daisydo

      Money is the root of evil.

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  • lilfizz

    no it is not okay to question gods exsistance in the bible it says not too its a conversation not to have with god

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  • moondog45

    A higher source does indeed exist!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    look at a tree look a a block of flats which is more uglier?

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  • Daisydo

    We are all souls. We have a body.

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