Is it normal to quit a sport due to depression?

I Quit a sport that I absolutely love due to depression. Completely lost interest. Anyone else??

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Comments ( 7 )
  • tmd_8504

    yes it is completely normal love. as someone who has depression, i can say that its really fucking hard. you literally lose interest in everything and you never want to get out of bed because you just cant with life rn mentally. let me just say, that your feelings ARE VALID. honestly, i think that it was great that you quit the sport. right now should be a time when you're focusing on yourself and only yourself. you need to focus on loving yourself and being kind to yourself. its really hard i know but you will get through this i swear. i highly highly highly recommend getting a therapist or just having a really good friend to talk to. it helps so so much. i hope you get better and i love you.

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    • Lolbye_

      I wish the same to you!!! Thank you ❤️

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  • olderdude-xx

    Many people quite many things due to depression...


    I wish you a speedy and safe recovery,

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    • RoseIsabella

      Oftentimes it's hard to even get out of bed with depression.

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    • Somenormie

      That's because they lose motivation to a point they can't do it anymore.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Yeah. I quit soccer due to depression. I lost interest and it wasnt worth the hassle for me anymore. I do miss it though. Something about being in the zone physically and doing something i was good at. Im sorry to hear youre going through the same. I wish you strength

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  • bbrown95

    I think in my case it was grief, but I quit a hobby 9 years ago after losing interest. The only thing I can think of that spurred it on was the death of a loved one a few months earlier. That was around the time I started noticing I was losing interest, yet I tried to stick it out. I've never returned to that hobby since. I've tried it a few times, but it just doesn't do it for me anymore, sadly.

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