Is it normal to read alot and get annoyed when people dont

Ever since the young age of like 7 i have LOVED reading, my whole house is full of books because my mum loves reading a lot, i read like a massive novel every 2 weeks at minimum, my problem is that when i say to people that i love reading and that i am reading a really good book right now people seem to think i am weird and call me a "nerd", they say they never read and that they have a life.. I just cant understand how you can not read...but nothing in the world pisses me of more when i am on websites like facebook and tagged is when i look at peoples profiles and they have NOTHING to do with books..and that they hate them and don't read.. am i just being a bit pathetic here or does this get other people to?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • MortalKombatFan1

    I'm not really into fiction. I would easily read through books that talk about subjects that interest me. Otherwise I read really slowly (17 pages per hour). I blame my upbringing.

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  • Spiderman7

    I feel that way too :P

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  • Ilikenoise

    I like reading - just not fictional books. I enjoy reading factual or interesting topics about the real world. Just because someone doesn't read 'books' all the time, doesnt make them unintelligent. A lot of people like reading, just not all of them made up fantasies. So yeah, get over yourself, you're no better than everyone else.

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  • idon'tknow

    I can't really understand how people can't like reading at all. I live and breathe words, and to not like reading would be like not liking any form of music.

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  • Sabbatha

    I love to read and my friends call me a nerd I tell them "damn straight, I'm nerdy as fuck!" I'm proud to be intelligent and you should be too!

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  • Sigh... I am just moaning like a little bitch :P

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  • hotchickie81

    I love reading too! :)

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  • I love to read, books, articles, magazines, practically anything.

    But I understand that other people don't and it doesn't bother me that they don't, after all, I suppose they're the ones missing out on awesome pieces of fiction.

    But I don't judge them for not reading.

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  • kellstar

    Ppl have diffenent likes and dislikes. U love books and so do I and alot of my friends don't read either but it doesn't annoy me or piss me off! Learn to accept ppl for what they like and dislike. I can't understand y ppl don't read but it's there choice and they r the ones missing out! It isn't nerdy at all, it's actually quite creative

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    • blackeyes43

      Same here I love reading and writing like life. People who don't read are missing out smthng great

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