Is it normal to read the last page/chapter of a book first?
Is it normal to read the last page or chapter of a book first? I do it all the time. I think it helps me better appreciate the book better. What do you think?
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Is it normal to read the last page or chapter of a book first? I do it all the time. I think it helps me better appreciate the book better. What do you think?
Yeah! I do this almost every time I read a book too!! It's cool because the last few lines don't make much sense until you read the rest of the book, and then it all comes together - and by then you've mostly forgotten what the last bit was anyway :) - It definitely doesn't ruin the ending; it enhances it!
I test out books too, by sampling somewhere in the middle to see if there's anything interesting going on in there.
I can't for the life of me see why anybody would do that. Why bother to read the book if you know how it ends? Wouldn't it then be a total waste of time to read the book?
Hmm depends what novel I suppose. Some books the final words may be meaningless without context yet some would be profound just on their own.
I do occasionally, I don't know why, I almost dare myself without thinking, if I shouldn't do something in fear of spoilers I always have a strange urge to do it
When I used to read fiction for fun, I used to read the last few words of it too. Always made me curious to see what the rest of the book was like.
I very seldom read fictional novels, but have been guilty of doing this before. There's always a risk of spoiling the plot though.