Is it normal to read the obituries?

Everytime i read the paper i always read the obituaries to see whos died and how old they were. I like to see how old people were when they died.

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72% Normal
Based on 46 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Hoppycosh

    Death is one of the most feared subjects of ALL; however, it is also one of the most FORGOTTEN. We walk around with an air of invincibility. "I WON'T DIE!" Then BAAM,... someone around us like a grandparent or friend dies, and we're left in wonder. "When am I going to die? Am I going to die in a car accident?" It isn't until someone dies that we actually remember the plain truth of life: WE ALL DIE. Obituaries are fascinating because they bring us back to those moments of death. They remind us that kids die, babies die, grandmas die,... we all die. And for that two minute duration of time spent reading that obituary, we actually don't take life for granted. For that two minutes, we appreciate what we have. I think every body should read obituaries!

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  • Dingo88

    Yeah. I do it sometimes. It's like when you look at the dates on headstones when your enjoying a walk in the cemetery.

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  • When I was a kid, me and Grandma liked reading them together. It didn't seem weird to me at the time.

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  • dappled

    I read the obits occasionally. Although not as much as I used to. I don't live where I grew up so the local paper doesn't really have much relevancy now.

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