Is it normal to read to run from life?

Well, I love to read! But I only love to read because it's my way of running from reality! Let's just say I have been through a lot as a kid and kinda still now... I feel like of I get lost in a book I can forget about my rough life... Its my only escape.. Is this normal?

Voting Results
93% Normal
Based on 40 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • markey

    It is absolutely normal that you do that. But it is just as important to have friends, mainly a social life.

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  • justaname

    Yes its normal, we all have our own systems in place to deal with the bad things in our life. My partner loves to read one because she just loves reading anyway and two she also finds it a great escape, to far away places that could never be real but are so much better than some of the things she is dealing with in her own life. I am the same as well.

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  • dappled

    If it's abnormal, then both you and I are abnormal. A book is by far the best escapism for me because I have to use my mind to conjure up the images. When you've invested of yourself this way, you're naturally going to find the imagery more of an escape that someone else's vision (say, a film).

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  • rulerofthenight

    Everyone needs an escape sometimes. some more often than others. You are defiantely choosing teh best and most safe form of escape. though be careful, you don't want it running your life. when it is all you can think about and even dream about you need to cut back. Also, you dont want to wake up 10 20 yrs from now and relize that life has passed you by. while you just waited on the sidelines and read a book.

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  • chicken471bologna

    LOL I'm so guilty of this myself. Its totally normal just remember the book is not reality.

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  • Treez

    Reading is tiring I'm not imaginitive

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  • Zukes370

    yes. keep this up, you'll show everyone you're smart as fuck.

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  • kisskiss

    Me too I like the feeling the book give's me nobody rude, mean and nasty the world tops silent so yea it's normal for books people to do that I do that and I'm happy.

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  • u might as well go out and try and get a girlfriend and friends or something and if it goes badly then all you have to do is go back to your book. If it goes well then you will have a group of friends to take your minds of things and maybe a girlfriend or sumthing as well

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