Is it normal to really dislike fat people?
(keep in mind there a plenty of other groups of people I feel similarly about, but this is the most controversial one. I don't single out fat people typically.)
The way I see it, unless someone has a medical condition that makes it impossible for them to maintain a healthy weight, they are intentionally destroying their bodies by being fat. How can I like these people? Why would I ever want to date someone who chooses to destroy their body every day, or even worse, has no self control/is so mentally ill that they can't admit they're unhealthy? Why would I ever want someone like that to work for me?
I think 'body positivity' for obese people is horrible too. It should be 'take care of yourself' not 'you look fine just how you are, even though you're much more likely to die an early painful death and your quality of life is significantly lower than that of a healthy person." And people complaining that their sizes aren't in stores? I think it's their fault for not being human sized.
I think all fat people should have to lose weight or be put in an involuntary treatment program to either force them to become healthy (like rehab or what they do with people with under-eating disorders) or to reform them into people who care about their bodies.