Is it normal to really dislike fat people?

(keep in mind there a plenty of other groups of people I feel similarly about, but this is the most controversial one. I don't single out fat people typically.)

The way I see it, unless someone has a medical condition that makes it impossible for them to maintain a healthy weight, they are intentionally destroying their bodies by being fat. How can I like these people? Why would I ever want to date someone who chooses to destroy their body every day, or even worse, has no self control/is so mentally ill that they can't admit they're unhealthy? Why would I ever want someone like that to work for me?

I think 'body positivity' for obese people is horrible too. It should be 'take care of yourself' not 'you look fine just how you are, even though you're much more likely to die an early painful death and your quality of life is significantly lower than that of a healthy person." And people complaining that their sizes aren't in stores? I think it's their fault for not being human sized.

I think all fat people should have to lose weight or be put in an involuntary treatment program to either force them to become healthy (like rehab or what they do with people with under-eating disorders) or to reform them into people who care about their bodies.

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 61 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 34 )
  • anti-hero

    I don't like people who mangle the English language, like OP.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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      • RoseIsabella

        Git er dun!

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I hope you get fat

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    • thegypsysailor

      He's already a stupid bigot. I doubt being fat is half as traumatic or a bigger handicap to success in life.

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    • username92106

      How would someone who doesn't like fat people and doesn't want to be fat get fat? It's a decision to be fat or healthy.. Or are you wishing for a thyroid problem?

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Fall into a depression and comfort eat I was hoping

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        • username92106

          comfort eating is a choice to be made.

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          • kingofcarrotflowers

            You've obviously don't understand the workings of severe depression

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          • RoseIsabella

            Never say never. Like I said before Karma is a bitch, and she is usually on her period! So don't piss off the universe, because things have a way of coming back around.

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  • daydreamer394

    No, you're a horrible person.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Try not to direct too much emotion at this, you might end up with a thyroid problem someday. Karma really is a bitch.

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    • omgcatz

      thyroid problems don't make you overweight, laziness does. even if he lost his thyroid, as much as he hates obesity, I doubt he would allow himself to become overweight.

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      • native1queen

        Where to start? Okay first, a person who has a Thyroid gland issue CAN BECOME FAT even if they eat like a vegan and only once a day. Believe it or not, many over weight individuals started gaining weight because their thyroid gave out or weakened. Many medications and processed foods have chemicals that effect the thyroid gland and when you overload it, well you gain weight. HOWEVER, you are also right as well. While thyroid gland issues cause you to gain weight many people don't help the situation. For instance, a 126 pound woman's thyroid gives out and all of a sudden she's gained 30 pounds despite no change in lifestyle, that can cause a "guess I might as well eat a cheeseburger since I'm going to get fat anyway" mentality. Thus making the situation worse.

        Now there are some scientist who want to turn obesity into a more serious disease and affliction. Many people who where once healthy and in shape who slightly gained weight for whatever reason (lazyness, thyroid gland, injury, or whatever) thought processes changed. For instance take the trainer Jillian Michaels she's all, "GET SOME! NEVER GET FAT!" Person, yet if she got sick or hurt and got fat by no choice of her own we would love to think that she'd still be "GET SOME, LOSE THIS WEIGHT!". Yet scientists say former healthy individuals who became fat actually became more depressed then people who grew up being fat and a hard time finding the motivation to lose the weight.

        WHY? Because the former healthy person often feels defeated and like they're worthless for even allowing themselves to ever get that way. They know how it felt to be healthy and now they have to change everything to try to get back that way.
        When you're healthy it is easy to stay healthy because you are just keeping everything the same. However, being fat and trying to get healthy is truly a challenge because you are fighting and clawing your way back. It requires a very VERY STRONG will. Even many formally healthy people have issues with it, for instance many retired or former Military men and women.
        So is it wrong to despise fat people, absolutely NOT. We where never designed to be such heavy slobs. However, we should at least give fat people a chance to show us which kind of person they are.
        Are they someone who is fat due to injury, sickness, or no control of their own like being pregnant or just given birth. Or are they a lazy disgusting slob that can't say no to McDonald's 5 times a day.
        One is a person who is deserving of her understanding and patience and even help if they ask. The other is not somebody it can really be trusted because if they can't control themselves enough to say no to a cheeseburger then how can you know that they have enough control in their life to be your friend.
        Sorry for the long post.

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    • username92106

      you know thyroid problems have no relation to stress/emotion levels, right? and if being fat isn't intentional (ie has a legitimate medical cause.. basically only a thyroid problem would qualify) then its not wrong. thats exactly what the question says.

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      • RoseIsabella


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  • gummy_jr

    Fat people dislike you

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  • Aries

    I wouldn't say its normal to "hate them" as you put it . I would say everyone is entitled to their preference in a partner or what not . I would feel a little torn about someone close to me being overweight by a substantial amount solely for their health but I wouldn't hate them . I prefer thicker woman though so probably what I consider my perfect type is fat to you possibly but everyone has their vice and reasons for them .. I often wonder why they choose not to do something about it just for their own sake but it's really none of my business so I wouldn't preach to them . I am basically saying it's okay to not date a "fat" person if you don't like it but to say you hate them and such .. it's a little harsh .

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  • JD777

    I don't dislike fat people, just like I don't dislike smokers. But I do agree that people who choose very unhealthy lifestyles should have to pay more for health insurance. Smokers already do pay more, and many companies have started upping the cost to obese people. Only 1-2% of people have one of the handful of metabolic diseases that cause excessive fat gain with an otherwise healthy diet and lifestyle. And testing easily determines who they are and who's using "I have a medical condition" as an excuse.

    What does irritate me is when a fat person looks at me with disgust and says "you're so skinny." Why the insult? I'm fit and my weight is actually towards the higher end of the "healthy" range for my height. I guess compared to them I do look skinny.

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  • Motorhippy

    Your money couldn't pay for 10 stripes on an old farm to market road. Shut the fuck up lol, as if you are the largest taxpayer in the country. When you give your money to the government, it ain't yours anymore.

    What about healthy bicyclists that get injured? Runners? Rock climbers that need helicopters to save them? Snowboarders stuck in avalanches? When they get injured it takes years of intense medical care from specialized doctors to fix them sometimes.

    The medical system spends more time giving otherwise perfectly healthy people drugs than anything else, what medical expenses are fat people really burdening your precious tax dollars with? An occasional knee surgery? Lol fuck off, that's ridiculous.

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  • Elaine27

    Nothing warrants your dislike in this regard unless you have had a negative experience with them BECAUSE theyre fat which I doubt. No, not fat myself, just have empathy which you lack

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    • username92106

      give me one reason to overlook someones gluttony/laziness/lack of self control and like them anyway. you really want people like that in your life?

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      • anti-hero

        I just wonder what other similar groups you hate....

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  • zsdworknman

    I don't like fat people either but the worst ones are the ones taking they're children to fast food restaurants giving them soda and fries . I wish I could strangle them to save their poor children from what I consider child abuse. My daughter is 2 1/2 yrs now and I have never taken her for fast food or sugar. Fat people put a horrible burden on our medical system and cost other people billions of dollars a year due to their selfish choices why shouldn't I dislike them sounds logical to me.

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    • omgcatz

      Adults should be allowed to do what they want, when they want, how they want. But I think they should also:

      1. Lose medical coverage for any condition related to their obesity, unless they pay extra for it.

      2. Be prosecuted for overfeeding their children and allowing them to become obese.

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    • anti-hero

      You could say the medical bit about a lot of groups. So should we strangle them all?

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      • zsdworknman

        No just the ones that cause their own conditions and make it a problem for others goes the same for smokers that contract cancer don't make it my problem and others and I won't have an issue but when people's irresponsible behavior affects others it shouldn't be met with pity and excuses for them. Did that help to clarify?

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  • Motorhippy

    You're asking how you can like someone that's destroying their own body? Because, it's not your

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    • Ebola69

      Right, just my money for their high healthcare costs

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      • anti-hero

        What about smokers? Drug addicts? Sex addicts who get stds? Etc. Do you hate them all for the same reason?

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        • RoseIsabella

          Tell it!

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  • Fatgirlhardtomove

    I like food so much so why would I want to diet and make myself depressed so I get a better body by the way fat people live longer than skinny people did you know or something like that google it

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  • omgcatz

    If people want to be fat and like being that way then it's their choice. What I hate are the ones who make whiny excuses on why they "can't".

    I have arthritis in my knees, thyroid disease and pcos. I know a lot of women like me who use that as an excuse to be obese. I call bull every time. I may have to work twice as hard to stay fit and avoid straining my knees during exercise, but I STILL STAY FIT. Unless they have no legs then they CAN do it too, they just WON'T. And even if they had no legs, they can eat less. You only gain weight when your body stores the calories you eat as fat, which means it isn't using them, which means you don't need to eat as much as you do. Bull, bull bull and more bull.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It makes me sad how a lot of fat people take their kids to fast food restaurants because they are killing their kids' health before their kids understand that they're killing themselves.

    Aside from that, I don't give a shit. If everyone was thin and fit, I'd have way too much competition to handle. Yes, I seriously feel that way. Also, I really do think that there is a genetic component to it. Yes, I exercise, but I also eat a lot more junk food than even thicker people who exercise as much or more than I do. I think some people are just meant to be a little more husky than others.

    Sure, it may not be super attractive or any of that shit but there are plenty of attractive people to get your rocks off to in this world already come the fuck on. Yeah, they have health problems but a lot of people have health problems that cost a shitton of money to the healthcare system. Aside from genes and medical conditions, having an addiction to food and lacking the motivation to give two shits about your health is just another example of the great many flaws that a human can have.

    So shut up, all of you, because I am 100% tired of hearing women bitch about "omg every shape is beautiful". Like looks are the pinnacle of personhood, shit...

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