Is it normal to really hate loud noises?

I hate it when someone flushes. I hate loud annoying music such as dubstep unless it's my music in my earphones. It irritates me when I hear vacuum cleaner. And you know those old curtain hangers that aren't plastic but iron? When people move such a curtain it feels like my head is fucking exploding. I hate when people talk loudly. And in the morning when I wake up and someone walks in my room I hate when they just breath. I feel like I wanna kill them just for breathing. IIN?

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78% Normal
Based on 89 votes (69 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Tazwiz

    Everyone is born with a fear of loud noises! I guess you have taken it to the extreme.

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  • KillerWombat

    I'm the same exact way. I was born with extremely sensitive hearing, so much so that when I was a toddler, I used to scream at the sound of public bathroom hand-dryers because the noise put me in physical pain. D: I'm a bit better about it now and can go to rock concerts so long as I've got earplugs with me, but I still don't see how everyone else can stand it without 'em! D:

    Have you always had sensitive hearing? I've found that earplugs are my best friend in these cases.. I always keep a pair with me in my bag :)

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    • Well I don't really remember my earlier years but I know I was like this since I was 12.

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  • pussinboots

    I'm one of them but my tone of voice is so charismatic, i can even be a dubbing talent. :)

    So don't hate me :)

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  • MulticolouredRainbows

    Yeah, I hate the vaccum and loud breathing and hair dryers.

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  • dude_Jones

    Serious question. What if you played a drum set? Then YOU would be in control. The world would adapt to YOU, not the other way around.

    Mellower...mellow..mel..m.. ....

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  • Justsomejerk

    I love explosions but I hate the tv on loud.

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  • howaminotmyself

    You would hate my house. It's near the train and sometimes it gets loud. Sometimes the whole house vibrates. You can't scream louder than the train at times. And the single engine that goes by is always the loudest and just lays on his horn.

    But's silent, very silent.

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  • kelili

    Go in No-Noice-Land. It's somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Whats dubstep is that some kinda made up junk?

    Did you make that word up?

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    • It's some kind of "music" with just noises. I don't like it though.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Oh right never heard of it sounds like a type with a case of mistaken ID.

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