Is it normal to really really dislike people obsessed with wolves?

Wolves. Seems like every teenager these days surfing the internet is fucking obsessed with wolves, foxes, or other canids (NOT canines, but canids). I am not. I love all animals, all-inclusive. But many people are so obsessed with wolves that they forget about or dislike other animals.

Like, for example, I am a trapper-furrier by trade which means I deal in animal pelts. I've never killed any animal myself. I can talk easily about it with anyone interested. But for some occasions, the conversation takes a sour turn when I mention the fox pelts I've done.

So why the fuck are you perfectly fine with dead rabbits, coons, and other animals but throw a hissy fit over pests like foxes?

It makes no sense to me to be so obsessed with one kind of animal. So many lovable animals are forgotten in the minds of these young people who literally believe they are wolves or have wolf gods (don't talk about Native American spirituality when you are pure Anglo, this is coming from a Native American of the Haudenosaunee Kanien'hehá:ka nation).

I just don't get the fascination and obsession. Wolves are not brave, they are cowards. Only a lone female with pups would fight on her own. They roll in feces. They are generally dirty.

I do not hate wolves, I like them as much as every other animal. I do not believe people should suffer for hunting them, as some wolf-obsessed kids do. They are no different from rabbits, frogs, or flies you kill because they annoy you.

All life is equal.

And people do not seem to understand the world's wolf population is NOT barely clinging onto existence... There are wolves across Canada, Russia, and Asia. Wolves in the USA are not as common as in Russia, but that does not mean wolves as a species are dying out.

I am all for the support of Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi) as they are one of the truly dying subspecies.

In short: I do not hate wolves because there is no animal that I hate (hunting does not mean you hate animals). I dislike the obsession of these animals because it is so rampant and people use pseudo-Native American spirituality to justify it (which is deeply offensive and rude).

"Just let them love what they want."

I do, but sometimes I need to vent.

Anyone else feel this way?

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74% Normal
Based on 66 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • dom180

    I didn't know wolf obsession was a thing.

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  • Riddler

    Who the hell cares?

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  • squirrelgirl

    As a small child, I was obsessed with wolves, but it was only because Balto was my favorite movie at the time.

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  • gummy_jr

    Wolf obsession annoys me too... They're beautiful creatures and it's normal to admire them but for people to be obsessed with them annoys the shit out of me...

    I thought I was the only one annoyed by this.

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  • Wolfeborn

    Every one just cool off. Wolves are awesome but it does not mean other animals are not.

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  • TheAnarkyOfLife

    I never heard of teens who had wolf obsessions.
    I know they are all on team jacob though.

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  • LiveForToday,LiveForTommorow

    Just because someone loves wolves or other canids does not mean they're valued more than other species. Some people just really like certain creatures. Just don't worry about it, ok (Unless of course someone tries putting a wolf's well-being over yours)?

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