Is it normal to refuse to buy insurance and not pay hospital bills?

I believe in universal health care but unfortunately the US does not provide this so in protest I refuse to purchase health insurance and I use the hospitals and don't pay the bills. A lot of people do this but not quite enough to break the system, it was only enough to get this shitty ACA. If more people would do this, it would force the US to finally adopt universal health care.

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43% Normal
Based on 42 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • thegypsysailor

    If you think socialized medicine is the answer, you should do a bit more research. I've heard nothing but horror stories from Brits and Canadians about their systems.
    When in NZ (also socialized medicine) I went to a doctor with a staph infection. He told me that the infection was a result of my having a diesel engine aboard my boat and in order to get rid of the infection I'd need to put in a gas engine.
    Nearly unable to keep from laughing right in his face, I asked for some Tetracycline, which he gave me, and the infection was cured in 10 days, without my throwing away my diesel engine.
    Nope, socialized medicine is not necessarily the answer, either.

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    • snarkygirl

      How did the doctor arrive at that hypothesis?!

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      • thegypsysailor

        I always figured that if a doctor doesn't earn a whole lot more than a garbage man, where's the incentive to spend all those years in school and become a superior doctor?
        Of course, there are many excellent doctors who get into it for altruistic reasons, but most of those become disenchanted with the system and move into private practice.
        So, the good doctors still cost the big bucks and only the shitty ones who think a staph infection comes from living around a diesel engine remain in the system, because they aren't good enough to get out.

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        • snarkygirl

          That reminds me of a joke...what do you call the guy who flunked medical exams twice and graduated last in his class?
          ..." Doctor"

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    • Nothing but horror stories? I doubt that. I realize there are drawbacks but after all of the research I have done I still see it as a much better system.

      What do you think of the current system? What would you change about it, if anything?

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  • snarkygirl

    I definitely agree that the system is shitty and something needs to be done. I think the hospitals\ doctors should be limited to how much they can charge for everything. They have been known to pull scams where they bill $50 for what amounts to a band aid, and $$50 breakfast. Its nuts.

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    • They do that to cover the people who don't pay so essentially everyone is already paying for other's healthcare while making insurance companies rich too.

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      • snarkygirl

        Yeah. And a lot of peoplkr go to the emergency room for stupid stuff only because most doctors won't take a bunch of people ate tjhete with infected hang nails and colds.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I had an infected hang nail that I had ripped out from the root about 7 years ago, it was turning almost purple.

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  • Ms.Dempsy

    Ain't nonethin wrong with that. Do you

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if yall ever come into any money its gonna git stole by the healthcere cartel

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