Is it normal to regret everything i do?

Everything. Even smiling or when I do something good.
I just regret everything I do and say.
And its not like im running around like a maniac stabbing people.
Ill just go about my day and regret everything I do. And Ill get really really embarrassed.

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41% Normal
Based on 37 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • muffinbuff

    I think it's confidence issue, you fear youself would worsen the situation so you regret, and in fact nobody 's perfect, you will regret anyway if you choose the alternates.
    You are just being paranoid, sometimes I am too:)

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  • Tyger

    You cannot live life with no regrets unless you have no conscience and moral fibre. The world is full of too many who think to be amoral, deviant and careless is the way to go and it is a stance supported by an agenda that seeks to make us into nothing but shallow consumers who care about nothing but their next "fix" of hedonistic pleasure. It's a stance that has ruined male/female relationships with sex as a mere object detached from the person, a stance taht can wreck a caring person for life if they are inadvertently at the receiving end of such a wretch.

    But too much regret does hold a person back from living and a lot of people who have had oppressive upbringings, bullying etc can struggle with confidence issues such that they avoid rather than do in life.

    Apply intelligent thought before acting, work out what is right for you and then either act or leave alone. This can help reduce regret issues, though probably won't eliminate them. Then with regret, turn it into remorse which is less egotistical and more active because it allows you to respond to the experience positively and teaches you something.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I think you've got it a bit backwards.
    What one doesn't want, when on one's death bed, is to regret the things one hasn't done.
    I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

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  • Unimportant

    That must be exhausting.

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  • RoseIsabella


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