Is it normal to release silent farts around people at work?

No and now I know why it smells like butt by the water cooler. 0
Fart gas is flammable you know? Cuidado! 1
Yes. It is fun to see if anyone says anything about it or not. 3
Way to silently gas those bastards. WOO HOO 4
No. Keep it up and they will report you to HR for harassment. 0
Nasty, nasty and not normal. 1
No. Quit if you dislike your co-workers that much. 1
You are so fucking immature. 3
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Comments ( 3 )
  • fleurdafluer

    Yep. It's normal.

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  • dappled

    I'll confess there are times when I play elevator roulette. Drop one between the ground and first floor, then flap at it quickly to disperse it a bit. The scoring of elevator roulette is thus:

    Zero points: The lift goes to your floor, you get out, nobody sees you, nobody smells it.

    Minus one point: Someone is waiting at your floor, passes you as you walk out and glares at you as they realise what you've done.

    Minus two points: Someone halts the elevator before your floor, gets in, and glares at you all the way up to your floor.

    Plus one point: You get out of the elevator and round the corner and then hear someone getting in, who hasn't seen or heard you.

    Plus two points: Same as minus two points, except when you finally disembark, someone is waiting to get in. You catch their eye, waft your fingers under your nose and roll your eyes at the other occupant of the lift, as if to blame them for it all.

    Tally for this year isn't so good. I'm on -6403. :/

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    • Justsomejerk

      I lost my shit reading plus two points. Thank you what a game changer.

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