Is it normal to resent people for being unintelligent?

I wish I could relish in the fact that I'm intellectually superior to the vast majority. However, it's precisely this fact that vexes me on a daily basis. It's tiresome having to dumb things down for people. It's exhausting trying to have a conversation with someone who's nodding along to everything you say and then to have them admit to being lost for the last ten minutes and having, yourself, to explain the basic concepts in the vernacular of a kindergartener.

On top of that, it's these idiots who are the ones that are impossible to impress with intelligence, as they don't understand enough to appreciate it. They hear a "big" word and they get a headache. Intelligent people themselves, as rare as they are, are too busy resting upon their laurels, enraptured in their own megalomania to ever admit to being impressed by the intelligence of a fellow genius. Being superior gets old really fast. I feel lost in a world of simpletons half the time.

Successful idiots are even more infuriating. You know the type; the ones who trip and fall into success via the power of dumb luck; "dumb" being the operative word here. It's lonely being smart. You feel as if you're the only adult in a vast playground of exceptionally tall children.

Even worse than the blissfully idiotic are those who, for some hellish reason, believe they know all the answers with an IQ of 103 and the creative and critical thought capacities of a 12-year-old. The world is overrun with these fools. They're blocking out the light of reason on the virtue of sheer numbers. They're inescapable.

Sometimes I wish I'd been born average or even stupid. When you're bright, most of your efforts, though well intended, are futile, as they fall on ignorant ears and eyes. There is absolutely no logical reason why I should feel so offended by stupidity, yet I do. It's the plight of the gifted to be constantly confronted by the asinine ravings of the ungifted and having no recourse of action other than to rant vainly in argument.

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56% Normal
Based on 32 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 63 )
  • anti-hero

    I fell you're payne. It am hard 2 bee smart like we is. dum poeple is everywere. i thank were shold keel them wit a deth rae.

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    • anti-hero

      Than again may bee teh deth rae is two seveer. May bee we shold just git thems in to consontrashun kamps. u no so they can learnt to consontrashrate... Jus an thoughts.

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      • ashtyoot.

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  • thegypsysailor

    And such a modest person, too. Actually, it seems those on here who brag about their intelligence and IQ are very similar to those who brag about their penis size.
    Always trying to impress people with words because the reality just doesn't measure up.

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    • green_boogers

      Good point. I would just add that rather than bragging, some people actually demonstrate their intelligence with concise insightful responses. Generally, the rest of us really appreciate their participation.

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      • thegypsysailor

        In keeping with your bio, I've always found common sense trumps IQ every single time, as well.

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        • green_boogers

          I'll assume you are not bragging.

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          • thegypsysailor

            No, just an observation.

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      • I believe I've done so on very many occasions. See my response to ItDuz above.

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        • green_boogers

          I think flialyhailey's comment below was intended to mean "enraptured by YOUR sense of megalomania." Stop your whining, and get to work on your Ph.D. dissertation. I hope you don't join the same MENSA chapter that I belong to.

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    • Pandapants

      Lol whenever someone tells me about how "big" their penis is, I automatically assume they're under 6". Nine times out of ten, I'm right.

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      • Wait . . . how did you verify? (:

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        • Pandapants

          Unfortunately I usually open my inbox and there's a very tiny dick pic that I didn't ask for.

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          • iEatZombies_

            Well did you say thank you? It was gift, don't be ungrateful!

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            • Pandapants

              Definitely not grateful. I don't think it's much of a secret that people don't actually appreciate random pictures of stranger's genitalia

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  • Barracuda

    LMAO this has to be one of the funniest posts ive read in a while

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    • Why, thank you! (:

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      • Barracuda

        Sarcasm at its finest! (you naughty puppet you;)

        I cant believe people genuinely replied

        i gotta give it to you, for crafting such a message that successfully gave you results

        insight and strategy

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        • LOL You're giving me too much credit, dahling.

          I wasn't exactly expecting so many people to comment seriously. I just thought it would be a funny way to present a story and stir up a little controversy, but still come off seriously enough to get it accepted. I'm liking the way things turned out though. I definitely seemed to get the tone right, as it both got people thinking and wanting to burn me at the stake. ^-^

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  • slings_and_arrows

    You do have a "recourse of action," you can write, teach, give lectures on your given subject...make youtube videos. Thats what great thinkers have done in the past ( well not the youtube videos). It means you're embittered if you just want to rant without even trying to impart your wisdom.

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    • Embittered is such a visual word. I imagine somebody's face puckered into an implosion. :X < thusly

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  • flailyhailey

    "enraptured in their own megalomania"

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    • Striking image, huh?

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  • Pandapants

    Wow. I couldn't even get through your pretentious post, and certainly not because I'm "unintelligent". You're flaunting your vocabulary. That doesn't make you intelligent. If anything, it tells me you're insecure. You feel a need to show off because you're lacking in some other way or even worry that you're not as intelligent as you want people to believe. I'm willing to bet you used a thesaurus while writing this post just to make yourself feel better. Stop being such a narcissist. It gets boring very quickly, and people certainly don't think you're more intelligent than they are just because you think too highly of yourself.

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    • See my response to ItDuz above.

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  • Alright, I'll start this off. Right off the bat I can tell that you're flexing your larger use of vocabulary that most people do. Now I don't know if this is a large part of why you think you are intellectually superior to the vast majority but I think I'll get that answer once I'm done reading this post. If it is, just know, vocabulary doesn't equal intelligence. I've known too many people that would fling out words that are either longer than the basic term most people would understand for the word or words most people don't use and think "Well darn, I know all these words, that must mean I am more intelligent". No.

    Second paragraph in and you take issue with people not being impressed with long words. As I stated before, vocabulary skills does not equal intelligence entirely, it can be involved but not required. You, in the second paragraph, have already specifically called people as idiots for getting a headache (an exaggeration I am sure), which makes me think your vocabulary skills is what's carrying your view of superiority.

    I would also like to add that, as an example of intelligence does not require vocabulary and sometimes it's more intelligent NOT to use certain words because the audience won't understand what you are saying. For example here. You believe that the majority of people are stupid, yet you use words you yourself believe they would not understand, therefor your message falls on deaf ears because they do not understand what you are saying. An intelligent person would know this and decide NOT to use words they don't believe the majority would understand because it would make them saying what they have to say pointless because nobody would understand, so all you demonstrate so far is your better vocabulary set and your lack of intelligence.

    The next paragraph is pretty similar to the rest, just mental masturbation so I'm skipping it.

    Lol. Now you're claiming that IQ determines someone's overall intelligence. That's funny from someone claiming to be intellectually superior. Just sayin'.

    Alright, with the end. Personally, I don't think you're that intelligent. You have a wider set of vocabulary and that, in my opinion, is what youbase your superiority on. Through out this whole post there have been things stated or the mere fact they have been stated and certain words used despite the audience you know you're talking to who are not on the same level as you which weren't intelligent decisions to make.

    There are too many stupid people in the world, I'll give you that. I wouldn't say you're stupid, either, although you are average in intelligence with a higher vocabulary set. That's all.

    -Drops mic-

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    • First of all, I don't talk like this in real life. I figured using a flowery lexicon would enhance the trollishness factor. My semi-serious post was meant to serve two purposes. The first was to make fun of faux-intellectuals who go around like a walking thesaurus. This obviously sailed right over your head as it seems to have been easier for you to assume I was arrogant and pompous. With the quantity of trolls and a-holes on this site, I don't blame you a bit. The second purpose of my post was to express an earnest frustration in dealing with people of lesser mental abilities, albeit in a trollish manner. To make it clear now, no, I definitely do not equate intellect with vocabulary size or overall level of knowledge. A genius growing up in a log cabin in the woods with no books would know nothing but what he could learn through observation and introspection.

      Your second point was that, in my post, I seemed to you to suggest that stupid people are unimpressed by long words. I apologize for my vagueness. What I thought I clearly stated was that when uneducated or anti-intellectuals hear a word they don't know, (which they often call "big" regardless of the actual length, hence my quotes around it in the post), they immediately shut you out, become defensive, and don't want to hear any explanations. I came across this behaviour a lot in college.

      I already addressed your third paragraph in my opening paragraph, but I might as well restate it in more detail: though my vocabulary is probably larger than your average twenty-something, I don't use this kind of language in real life, and I'm well aware of how pretentious and/or intimidating it can sound. I must note that I do like to use what I believe to be the correct word for the situation, and that's just a personal preference.

      The "mental masturbation" thing made me LOL.

      I must take issue with your next point here. I think when people become defensive regarding their own intelligence they bash and downplay the importance of real, certified IQ tests. Though a high IQ can be wasted on some, nearly all successful doctors, theoretical physicists, great philosophers and artists, engineers, etc. are revealed to have high or genius-level IQs on being tested. No, it's not the be-all and end-all of intelligence, but logic and problem solving skills are extremely important and can be fairly accurately measured with these tests, especially when timed. I'm kind of sick of the "IQ means nothing to me" cop out. There. I said it; it's a cop out to me.

      Now, maybe you'd like to know why I believe I'm intellectually superior, as it seems you were frustrated with the fact I didn't give any reason why I feel I'm superior to anyone. Well, there are a lot of reasons. I do happen to have a high IQ; far above average. I'm not going to "IQ drop," because there's no point. I could say any number and no one would believe me anyway. You mentioned creativity. I believe myself to be even more superior creatively and artistically than I am logically and rationally. I'm a polymath, as they say. I'm skilled in a wide array of arenas. I'm musically talented, artistically talented, I'm a good writer when I put my mind to it, and I'm pretty intuitive when it comes to the analysis of body language and human emotion. I'm proud of some of the philosophical exploration I've done and some of my, as of yet unpublished, linguistic discoveries. I've invented a few things, but, I'll gladly admit, I have no passion for business or marketting. I'm also a strong leader, which I think takes a strong mind. I'm no Hawking or Einstein, but I estimate I'm at the very least a 1/2000 or so mind.

      I might add that I'm proud of the fact I addressed most of what you said without once insulting you, questioning your intelligence or making any wild assumptions. Try not to take IIN so seriously, and keep that ego in check or you'll end up just like the kind of person I was parodying in my post.

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      • Alright, well I'm going to clean in'a second and have a smoke so I'll make this quick.

        Ok, you say you're trolling. This is weird given you later go in to detail to defend your trolling as if you actually agree with what you're saying. I don't believe you're trolling, I think you're using it as an escape from the criticisms made, but meh.

        You then said your first reason for the purpose was to make fun of faux-intellectuals, yet you do so by using words you yourself admitted would give the majority a headache, a lack want to continue, so you'd be trolling, if I were to believe you were, to the minority of people.
        Yeah, I don't believe you were trolling. But meh. I've seen this before when people that done the same thing ended up responding with the same thing. Also, if you were trolling, what's the point in admitting it? You're not supposed to let the people you're trolling know you're trolling otherwise it's pointless to troll, and you just left this right here making your trollish parts known to be trollish, which is another reason why I am not convinced on this trolling you claim to be doing.

        If your point you were trying to convey was that talking to idiots is frustrating, that's common knowledge. People know this.

        Second paragraph plays in to what I originally was stating. You have to adjust your vocabulary to a level that everyone would understand. Sometimes the context of the word in the sentence can give away its meaning but not always.

        You then say you don't use such language in real life...But you just admitted that you done so in college.

        If you like to use those words then by all means do so. Just know that a lot of people won't understand your message, and I believe language should be changed to suit who the message is being addressed to, that's my personal belief. Kinf of like a X-mas present. Wrap it up well in shiny paper or do it in old newspaper pages, aslong as the gift is good for the person, how it is presented is not.

        I know. I love saying the mental masturbation thing. I got a chance to say it here due to you, so thanks! Lol.

        As for the IQ part, I don't think we'll change anyone's minds on that. I can see that'll make this go into a large discussion about it so let's agree to disagree.

        Sure, go for it. Not frustrated, just pointing out what I observed.
        Alright, well, what you stated is your opinion moreso that examples that I could look over to see if what you said is true, so I can't just take what you said as fact. I could say the same, save for the IQ part as I haven't actually tested that (Do you have to pay for those or something?). Also, I am a bit curious. What is it that you have invented?

        Welldone on the insulting thing. If I insulted you, it isn't intentional but is likely to have happened. You seem like you've been on here for a while and I have a sneaking suspision on who you are (just a shot in the dark, there are two but probably wrong), but you should know by now that sometimes I say things that are offensive but the aim is not to be offensive, that I'm simply apathetic towards it being involved. So, if I offended you, I apologize.

        Fuck off about the ego part. This isn't narcissism, it's truism! I'm fuckin' fabulous and you know it -slaps ass-

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        • *Is set aquake by your ass shockwave* Speaking of inventions... I think aquake is a neologism on my part.

          I knew I shouldn't have used the word "troll". From the moment I typed it, I just knew it'd be used against me. What I meant was that I used a "trollish" style so that people wouldn't take it too seriously, but might be able to relate to it somewhat. Don't get me wrong; I didn't set out to infuriate anyone. I'm not a troll. I just had a point to make that I realized would come off as snarky and holier-than-thou no matter how I put it, so I just thought I might as well go all out and be the "bitchy" pedantic type that has always annoyed me, but with whom I share, hypocritically, a few traits. "Trolling" was definitely the wrong word to use, as it makes it sound like the whole thing was a mean joke. I just didn't know any better words.

          OK, I gotta point out that I was not admitting to using big words to annoy people in college. What I actually said was that I came across a lot of people who'd lose it as soon as you said something they didn't understand, even if it was something that most college-aged people would know. Instead of wanting to learn, they chose to be affronted and take it as an insult. You gotta admit, that kind of behaviour can be irritating.

          Well, one of the things I invented was this weird gel-filled thing that can be used for all sorts of cool effects with chromakey software. In junior high, we had a green-screen for student film projects. I was thinking about how chromakey worked and I thought that if you had some sort of viscous coloured liquid in a transparent non-reflective container, you could create sort of magic-like effects. For the most part, it worked. Other than that, I used to make a lot of content generators to aid the creative process in writing and stuff, but that was years ago too. I can't give away exactly what they were in case I patent them later XD

          I added the ego thing because I read about it in your profile. XD I couldn't resist.

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    • reminiscent

      I had to google search a word and I know im not an idiot soooo....
      also seems to have a case of narcissism, and a bit bitter at the world. Expessially the part where he claimed dumb people trip and fall into success...this makes me think he is jealous and spiteful of them... while I will say some people get lucky in life...right place right time. It makes me wonder if he ever stopped to think that they might have skills or intelligence in other areas? He just doesn't recognize whatever skill or knowledge they have as intelligence.

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      • It seems there's some pack hostility here . . . :O

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        • reminiscent

          I just added a few thoughts onto I agree with him on his top post and the one bellow.

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          • I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that.

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            • reminiscent

              *nods* im sure

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    • Crusades_

      Dumbelle is the OP.

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  • slings_and_arrows

    Another thing that's gonna get you worked up is not only are there more stupid people than clever people, the stupid people have more children. And many clever people don't even have kids.

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    • Yeah, I read about that... Some scientists are thinking our global IQ has steadily fallen since the Victorian period. Tres scary.

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  • CountessDouche

    This is honestly one of the most fantastic posts I've ever read on this site. I found all if the responses highly amusing. I love this...

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    • *bows*

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    • GigglyGirl

      *giggles* You're the OP. *giggles*

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      • CountessDouche

        No, I'm not, and stop giggling. It's fucking weird.

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        • GigglyGirl


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  • lol ok i had such a hard time understating what u saif there, but it sounded real smart soooo.... yah, i have a had time talking wit people below my inteligence aswell, becuz i fell that they never understand waht im saying, becuz they don't kno waht simplify is XD lol.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Didn't read your gospel there...

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    • Praise Jesus! (:

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  • whydad

    Oh wow at this rate there are so many intellectual superior people on this site that they almost make up for us subhumans.

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  • hairyfairy

    The human race is getting dumber by the minute.

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  • *Is thinking this post would have done better on reddit*

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  • sexy_bitch

    Good for you, nobody cares 'bout you opinion, OP

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    • *sigh*

      Please read the above re-... aww.. who cares :/

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  • He? Penis? Why is everyone assuming I'm male? Out of curiosity, does anybody have any idea who I am?

    Some of you clearly need a prompt to know how to view my post. You're supposed to be amused if you know where I was coming from, not angry. The hyperbole was not supposed to be subtle.

    You know I LOVE this controversy (:

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  • iEatZombies_

    How do you know you're intellectually superior? How were you able to measure your own intelligence to compare it to that of others? IQ tests only measure the most basic standard of intelligence.
    How do you measure creativity in others? They may not apply their creativity to a conversation, but there are many other ways to be creative. In fact, nobody really 'creates' anything in the first place. To create something, you'd have to make something from nothing. No human being on this planet can do that. Everything we do is a manipulation of elements- not our own creation.

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    • See my response to ItDuz above.

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      • iEatZombies_

        Got half way through and lost interest. Guess I'm one of the dumb ones. Meh.

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        • green_boogers

          Hold everything. Your writing is almost always interesting. The OP should take a lesson from you.

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          • iEatZombies_

            Oh, lol. I was just being a smartass. I don't think I'm stupid or anything. I'm alright. Little odd, but the noggin's got what it needs. =P

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            • green_boogers


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          • You're both geniuses! Happy now? (:

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            • iEatZombies_

              Where's my fuckin sticker? I want a gold star, dammit.

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  • Crusades_

    This is how I feel when I talk to a liberal.

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    • dynamohumm

      Wow you really MUST have a very small penis don't you?

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      • anti-hero

        Small is being nice to him.

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    • flailyhailey

      Are you tired?

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