Is it normal to resent unemployed boyfriend?

Is it normal that I deeply resent my unemployed, half-handicapped boyfriend? I work full time and I barely make enough money to meet my own needs. He's one of the main reasons I lost my apartment and my car. While he was living with me at my apartment, I expressed to him that I needed to save money to fix my car. He told me, "it's a dud junk car". So out of desperation, I sold my car for way less than it's value. I now live in a small bedroom of a stranger's house. The bus stops are so far from where I live now. I can't quit my job due to it being my only income. I've been paying for everything for us both. I'm tired of it but I don't want to dump him because I love him. Is it normal that I resent him?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 30 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    How could you be expected not to resent him in this situation? It’s time to stop playing mummy to this boy and give him back to his real parents. He’s taking advantage of your caring nature and you are enabling his leaching.

    If you really don’t want to break up at least him tell him you can’t live together anymore until he sorts himself out financially. Again, you are not his mother.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Could you please be more detailed, and specific with regard to this guy's supposed disability so that the Is It Normal Community might better understand with what you're dealing?

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  • LloydAsher

    Idk if its pride or coweardness but I would probably kill myself if I got to that level of slob.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Same. My biggest fear is becoming completely useless. I couldn't live with myself if I was just weighing someone down.

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      • LloydAsher

        Yeah and that includes if I become a paraplegic. If I become that level of a burden to people I would perfer just to be dead.

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  • litelander8

    Has he applied for government assistance for his handicap? Or looked into places that help hire/ hire handicap people? Sadly, you’re really hurting yourself trying to take care of him.

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  • ellnell

    Is he handicapped? Is he getting any help applying for jobs, does he have any income what so ever like disability? If not you need to tell him to apply for the proper resources. If he's not actually handicapped he's just lazy and either way you need to set some ultimatums, he either gets his shit together or you leave him. You can't expect him to try harder if you just let him sit around and do everything for him, you're making him too comfortable with his slacker lifestyle. Sit him down and have a serious talk. Maybe he needs help with motivation, an ultimatum might make him realize the seriousness of the situation and if it doesn't... Well you've lost a giant weight on your shoulders to be honest.

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  • Mini69

    Is it love or do you just feel guilty about him having a disability? Do you feel people will judge you if you dump him? Do you judge yourself badly for considering dumping him, because he has a disability? I would say you need to consider the situation very carefully. If you really really love him and want to take care of him then you shouldn’t resent him, but if you know deep down that you are only staying with him because you feel some sort of loyalty towards him, linked to the fact he has a disability, then you should leave him and start again.

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  • mouldiwarp

    How can you be half-“handicapped”? You’re either disabled or you’re not...

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  • RoyyRogers

    I would kick the dead beat out and find someone who isn't a loser and will get a job or at the least support you in some other way. You are not his mom. I have broken things off with people in the past since either I myself was struggling financially and had to get stuff squared away, or they were being lazy and wouldn't get things squared away. In my case I am just very poor. In most of their cases they just enjoyed mooching off mom and dad and wanted to do so until their parents went into retirement.

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  • Meowypowers

    You should have his babies and benefit not only from government income, but also from the creation of one of societies future winners.

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  • Somerandomguyiknow

    Why doesn't he have a job? If he's 'half handicapped', I would assume he is capable of working at a desk job, at least. A relationship is about being able to support each other. It sounds like he is taking advantage of you and that isn't something anyone should tolerate and you're doing a lot of harm to yourself. Your well-being is very important and what you're doing is tormenting yourself. It doesn't hurt to love yourself as well.

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    This all depends on if his handicap is the major factor in why he is unemployed. but regardless, you have no responsibility to take care of an unemployed and useless member of society. I know you love him, but if he's dragging you down it might be good to kick the shit. Do it for yourself but also him. He needs to learn he can't just depend on others his whole life, unless his disability is that severe that prevents him from being productive.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah, you should dump him. Love isn't going to magically solve financial issues. Sure you could see if he can get disability, but that takes forever and doesn't pay a living wage in most places. He's basically useless.

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  • a-curious-bunny

    Swallow the pain and leave the deadbeat

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    I understand that you love him, but love doesn’t pay the rent. Isn’t there anything he can do? There are lots of places that hire the handicapped, if he really is.

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  • There's a side of me that I'm not proud of and that's when I hear women losing their shit when gender roles are reversed.

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    • litelander8

      Even men get shitty over women behaving like that. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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      • Like stay at home wives? Maybe some do. Lol

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        • litelander8

          A stay at home wife is generally something for wealthy people. A stay at home mom is generally bc childcare is way too expensive and therefore tending to children and doing most the house work is pulling her own weight. LOL

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          • Well let's be specific here, a stay at home mother isn't the same as a stay at home wife, not even a stay at home mom with a 12 year old is the same as a stay at home mom with a 3 year old.

            So when I say a stay at home wife I mean just that, no young child to look after, a kept woman. All I'm saying is that if you make a post about stay at home wives being lazy and good for nothing I'm sure many people from here bad mouthing this dude will be the first to downvote you into oblivion for agreeing with the hypothetical post I mentioned.

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            • litelander8

              Why are you trying to be “specific” on a hypothetical conversation? 🤷🏾‍♀️

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  • This actually baffles me. Some of the people here who I know for a fact would hold the position that a housewife is just as valuable as a bread winner are outright saying that the dude here is a waste of space because he's a financial burden that brings zero financial benefits to the relationship.

    Like, the fuck? You fuckers better hold true to these sentiments when y'all call me a sexist s.o.b when I talk about how lazy being a housewife is. Swear to fuck, bruh.

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    • RoyyRogers

      I mean it doesn't sound like he is doing anything at home either. Also if he is handicapped, he could get goverment aid without really doing anything and give it to her for bills. The fact she sold her car and he refused to care says a lot as well. Its clear he is mooching off this poor woman. If her only justification for keeping him is "I love him" that means main thing is emotional support. Not things like cooking, cleaning, or finances. This works for say sugar daddy/Mama but not in situations where one person is financially struggling like this.

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      • Well she said "While he was living with me" which is past-tense, so I'd assume he has his own accommodation. Plus, nowhere does it say that he doesn't care for her not having a car, infact he never told her to get rid of it to begin with, she just assumed it to be the case because she couldn't handle a rude comment.

        I agree he most likely is "mooching" off her but my point is that it's the same "mooching" a stay at home wife does and I just find it funny that when the genders are reversed all of a sudden the person being looked after is a burden not worth the shit on the side of your shoe, and I'm all cool with people taking that stance but I swear to fuck if I see the people taking that stance here come at me later down the line for making a controversial "Housewives ain't shit" stance then I'mm'a be pointing out some retards.

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        • RoyyRogers

          Again, the comment infers he does not care that she would lose the car. There is nothing indicating he cares other than you trying to fit your narrative about house husbands. Also you being mad that you can not be a house husband doesn't change the OP dating an ovbious deadbeat.

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          • She never mentioned a lack of care from him, all she mentioned was him portraying the car as a piece of junk, something she obviously agreed with and made the decision to sell based on. You're talking about an adult making adult decisions.

            "My narrative around house husbands" is the same as my narrative around housewives and that's that they're both lazy and have an easy life but for some fucked up reason being a house spouse is acceptable only to the ones holding precious puss, it seems.

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            • RoyyRogers

              Yes, a lack if care for it is that. That is called "dismissive". You make no real argument and this doesn't help OP solve their BF problems.

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