Is it normal to rub material between fingers?

I rub material between my fingers, pillow cases, shirts etc.. I have been doing it since I was a baby (Im now 23) my uncle used to do it when hes younger and I noticed he still does it with the end of his jeans (hes in his 30s now). But my habit with it has gone too far I think, my fingers actually become sore and the skin on my baby fingers have become hard from doing it so often. I had a pillow case I used to bring places with me when I stayed in houses, my friends to be fair never mocked me over it but I left it recently in a hotel and all I could think of was getting it back to rub the material.. Im starting to think Im really strange. I stopped for a few months and noticed a major difference with my skin, but I have started again.. Anyone else have this problem??

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Comments ( 12 )
  • MssMurd3r

    I do it too. In fact I was doing it as I saw ur post and while I was reading it. Ur not alone. I know it can be a little embarrassing. I haven't told anyone.

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  • sashious

    I do it between my pinky finger and ring finger also I rub it between my big toe and the toe next to it. I also have worn out pillow cases and rub the pillow case on my arms oh it feels so good. I roll my tongue back in my mouth which is called sucking your tongue, while I do this rub the sheets. I can't even remember when I started but my aunt told me I use to rub my brothers hair and suck my tongue and get in a trans like state. I had a traumatic childhood so I think it was my way of responding to the stress to relieve myself from it. I believe it's some sort of compulsive disorder. I bet you all had other addictions that are similar. I do like smoking and drinking anything that puts me in that trans like state. Maybe I should get help but I'm embarrassed to say I have this weird habit. I rub sheets until they are destroyed and the skin in between my pinky and ring finger is hard and swollen.

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  • jensavon1611

    OMG, its so nice to know I'm not the only one. I'm 46 and I guess I've always done it, but I didn't always know I "was" doing it. I love the feeling of good crisp soft sheets. I also(very embarassed) to say it, but when I change my sheets, I iron them (try it, seriously) and that makes them even better! Then (the more embarassing part), I pick an extra pillowcase to hold/feel when I go to sleep. I was wondering like the girl mentioned above, if there is a name for this?

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  • joyceloria

    i used to rub my finger on cushions that feels thick, i think its the sensation that i get from doing it that makes me feel addicted to it. it started when i was a kid, and my favorite cushion was my school uniform skirt and our throwpillow's. i wouldfold the cushion into half and grab the edge of it where i would rub it. one time, i woke up seeing myself doing it unconsciously, i think i was doing it while sleeping. its weird. but i could control it now, although i still have an urge to do it. its addicting. i only bleed once from it because i have tried at school rubbing the edge of my my notebook covered with thick plastic. now i used to do it with my nails aside from cushions. it feels good. sometimes i would press the inside of my knuckle when i feel like i wanna rub it again against something.

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  • katdup

    Me too and reaching 57 !! always done it annoys some people with the constant movement, recently started to wear socks in bed to give my toes a rest and when realising I'm doing it to consciously stop it but I find it difficult. Do I really want to stop ? No but I have CFS and its tiring me out I will stop in shops running my fingers through the clothes and passing curtains with the folds doing all fingers at the same time or one at once, love it all it must be a stress reliever but its now starting to stress me out with doing it ho hum the things we do !!!!
    Good to know I'm not the only one after all these years

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  • crispyedges

    I am 29 and i remember wrapping pillow cases around my fingers and in between my nail beds since i was 3 years old. I have recently thought of a term for this which i like to refer to as "pillowcasing". It helps me get to sleep at night and i often wake up and my fingers are between my pillow case. I do not believe it has anything to do with a disorder, i just believe that it is a stress reliever. similar to cracking your knuckles.

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  • Lil-Amy-87

    I'm 27 & I have been feeling the bed sheets/pillow cases between my fingers as long as I can remember! This is Definitely a comfort thing. As my daughter who is 2 has a taggie blanket & holds/plays with certain ribbons attached to it. So I must have passed this condition on to her? Every time I go to bed I play with the material of my bed sheets. Smoothing it, making a snapping sound, making creases etc. In the day I do the same with my pillow case. I have a pillow on my sofa made from cotton. It was bright blue now its white lol from all the stroking. It sits with my fluffy black cushions. If anyone asks why it's there I always say in case anyone sleeps over there is always a pillow on the sofa when really it's for me to sit with & mess about with. I love how it feels between my fingers & snuggle in to it. Does this "thing we do" have a proper name? Like an ocd disorder?

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  • revelhere

    I am now 37 and still continue to rub material between my middle finger and my thumb.I prefer a material that makes a rubbing sound like grinding teeth. I will rub through at least two pairs of jeans and ruin many t shirts per year. my fingers are always sore and sometimes even bleed.My wife hates the sound it makes and I dont even realize Im doing it. I just wish I could quit. Its really good to know there are others who suffer from this. Mine really gets bad when I am stressed. but I do it in my sleep as well so... hahaha. Here's to Itchin'!

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  • ESCtheCTRL

    ever read of mice and men? lol

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  • Satchmo

    It's normal not to that extent though

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  • eyeofthenile

    I don't but my mom rubs her fingers together a lot. She rubs them together and picks at them until she bleeds. It is like a nervous tick.

    It sounds like a comfort thing. Some kind of fixation you get from being able to touch something constantly. Have you ever seen a psychologist?

    I wish that I could be of more help but i'm honestly not sure.

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    • foxy88

      ya my uncle said its a sign of restlessness.. I found a diary my mum wrote in when I was a baby and one of the stories in it was about me rubbing material between my fingers and thats when I was only about 8 months old! I never really thought much about it till recently.. thanks for your reply though :)

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