Is it normal to run 4 screens at once? notebook, tablet, phone, tv?

Is it normal to have 4 screens running at once? Computer, Mobile Phone, Tablet, and TV. Ha! This is how I get things done and play at the same time. Abnormal or normal?

Computer runs my homework
Tablet runs my music
TV runs anything I'm kind of watching off and on
Phone runs my texts back and forth.

I feel so plugged in, lol. Upload me to the internet? LOL! Anyone running more screens at once?

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 22 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Caryopteris

    Before personal computer were common, I remember somebody telling me that a certain surgeon had four TVs on one wall so he could watch 4 channels at once. At the time this was jaw droppingly unusual.

    I usually just have two going at once.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Unplug now before you hurt yourself.

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  • TheLastKatana

    Sometimes you should take a break, but still multitask like that.

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  • CodenameDuchess

    Depends on your job really. I have a desktop with 3 monitors as well as tablets, my phone and watch. The thing is i need all of those for my work. My wife on the other hand just has a laptop and phone. Both normal.

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  • januarycurse

    not normal ten years ago but things have changed and this is the new normal, supposedly.

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  • Not_Normal_Person

    Yes, read my latest poll

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    • Arm0se

      Where is it?

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