Is it normal to run from my bedroom to my bathroom out of fear?

I have always wondered if other people do the same thing.

Every night, after I turn all the lights off, with the exception of one dim light in the middle of the house, it become pitch black (almost, anyway). I stay in my room with the lights on for about an hour or so before I shut everything off to sleep. RIGHT when I put my blanket over me, I have the feeling that my bladder is going to explode.

I have to RUSH to the bathroom, do my business and RUN back. All the time. I'm not even joking. On my way to the bathroom, I have to face the living room, which is as creepy as fuck. On my way to my bedroom, I have to face a long, dark hallway, which isn't as frightening as the living room, but still scary enough to make you shit bricks.

I always feel like someone or something is following me. No, my house is not haunted, I do not have ghosts or demons or any of that crap. I've even gotten my house checked. Nothing is there. But my walnut sized brain seems to think it's funny to trick me into shitting my pants(not that I've actually done that).

I dread waking up in the wee hours of the night with my bladder saying "As far as you know, I'm full. Go empty me."

I've even tried going to the bathroom before turning off all the lights, but I STILL have to go after I arrive at my room.

Anyway, This isn't about my douche brain or my sadistic bladder. is it normal to be afraid of running from the bedroom to the bathroom?

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 74 votes (55 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • Shnaz

    It's normal cause there IS something following you.

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    • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

      Yep. Me.

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  • squirrelgirl

    Grab the lantern on the desk. Check for oil and tinder boxes in various drawers, cabinets, etc. and if you hear something behind you, run as fast as you can to the nearest closet. Whatever you do, don't turn around and look what's chasing you in the face, or else you will lose sanity.

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    • Dude. I know there's nothing chasing me. And since when does anyone of this century have a lantern?

      By the way, your post gave me nightmares.

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      • squirrelgirl

        My whole post was a reference to the horror game Amnesia: The Dark Descent, but apparently nobody got it. Oh well, at least I gave it a shot.

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        • asasasa

          I did lol. and when he didnt know about it it's even funnier.

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          • If you're talking about me...I'm a girl, not a he. Just saying.

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            • asasasa

              oh, ok.

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  • Tommythecat.

    Couldn't you just turn the light back on?

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    • My house is strange. If I want to turn on the lights for the hallway on the 2nd floor, I have to go down to the even darker first floor portion of my house that turns on the lights to the living room AND the hallway.

      So, unless I want to shit my pants while attempting to go down into pitch black darkness just to turn the lights on and come back to turn them back off and run up the stairs, that isn't an option.

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      • Tommythecat.

        Oh ok lol. Flashlight then I would think.

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  • Flashlights really aren't all that expensive, you might want to invest in one.

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    • Flashlights make it a lot creepier. I expect to beam my flashlight towards the hallway and see a fucking ghost or something.

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  • Mersaphe

    It's normal because normal people can't see in the dark

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  • hairyfairy

    I used to do that as a kid, I lived in a creepy little house.

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  • Kayleenacole412

    I'm 23 and.I still do that lol! I hate the dark so I the closest.light switch and.I feel better as soon as I turn it on. I feel like.someone is breathing down my neck not sure how light helps anything guess I want to see whatever is following me which is always nothing lol it's just anxiety I think it's normal.

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  • asasasa

    get some light bulbs and long wires connecting to a switch in your bedroom place the light bulbs along your route to the bathroom


    build a toilet in your room

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    • I like the second idea.

      But visitors would look at me strangely, so I'm going with the first.

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      • asasasa

        glad i can help :)

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