Is it normal to say these things?

I'm gay but in the closet and i use phrases like " thats so gay" and sometimes i call people "fags" in a joking way, is it normal or should i stop?

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56% Normal
Based on 95 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • joben112

    you can keep saying it because its cant take life seriously or it will kill you. I try to make fun of myself and just do what makes me happy(not gay). Just keep a good sense of humor and do what you feel is right.

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    • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

      happy means gay

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  • Ono

    If you're using them in the context of referring to things you don't like or are undesirable then you're reinforcing the idea that to be gay is undesirable as well.

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  • lilcupcake12

    I feel like you shouldn't be saying these things because you may be hurting them. Also, you wouldn't want others to say that to you.

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  • rin

    Do what you want. It's just a thing people say, most don't mean it. When people say, "Don't be a girl"...or "Alright ladies!" Does anyone stop to think that that is offensive to women? Why is the word bitch never censored when it is a curse word? No one ever uses it in the context of an actual dog.

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  • i don't know man

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  • kyanviado

    Fido with foz

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  • Fozmula

    Its cool, my school started this thing where we say "Thats so straight" and "No hetero", even the straight kids. its self mocking. It would be more acceptable if you were out of the closet. My advice is use it very sparingly until you come out.

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  • Elevate93

    if you're saying these phrases because you don't want people to think you're gay then stop doing it and if you're just saying it because you say its funny and joking around then its okay and get comfortable with yourself and learn more about yourself and you'll find the answer

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  • Pinecone

    You've gotta look to you're own moral compass to decide how you joke/interact with people but I'd say that sounds pretty normal given I've been friends with several gay people over the years and have heard them use phrases like that because they though it was funny, ironic?, or liked how uncomfortable it made straight people get. But never to really to people who would truly get insulted or they didn't already know...

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  • karmasAbich

    Try a finding new, more intellectual ways of insulting people. Not only will they be too stumped to say anything worth while, but it wont affect morals either

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  • queenofsparkles

    You seem guilty from the phrasing of your post so naturally you should quit it before irony & hypocrisy gets to you. And of course, not forgetting that the other party may get annoyed.

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