Is it normal to scream t-shirt time!!
Jersey Shore's Pauly D will always say t-shirt time when the boys are supposed to put on their shirts. It must be pretty catchy cause now I'm saying it too!
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Jersey Shore's Pauly D will always say t-shirt time when the boys are supposed to put on their shirts. It must be pretty catchy cause now I'm saying it too!
OH YEAH CHAMPAGNE YEAhh!! Jersey Shore is full of drama but it's still awesome!
Would have voted "normal" had you not said you do this because of Jersey Shore.
This is just one more reason why i never want to watch this show.
if there's any "pauly" from any shore i want to see it will be Pauly Shore. Even if it's his worst movie ever... it has to be better than joisy shore
My cousin says it every Christmas with the family after we open our gifts, because us younger people always get T-shirts from our relatives.