Is it normal to second guess medical teachings?
The more I learn, the more certain I become that the formula to be followed for curing most of humanities' ailments is to seek out the freaks and try to understand why certain people are immune to certain diseases while others are not.
I postulate that for every human disease there are a few lucky freaks of nature who have the ability to cast off that which would kill another human who was born without this abnormality.
So far there have been several people on the planet who have contracted HIV Aids and have cured themselves completely due to their own unique genetics.
Obviously an ever growing open source data-base of people sharing such abnormalities, their stories, and their medical information for researchers to access would be just the ticket.
Just as obviously, such groupings of information would not be in the best interests of pharmaceutical companies who are busy trying to isolate and patent these genetic abnormalities themselves.
I'm thinking that such corporate entities would be willing to spend a fair amount of cash to ensure that people do not share their information, and that sites where these connections are happening on their own are then inundated with under-bridge-type beings who are more than willing to accept money in order to obfuscate truth and drive genuine individuals away from wherever they happen to reside.
Is it normal, that this REALLY fucking picks my ass?
How to fix this?
That's the question...