Is it normal to see a ghost?

I know this sounds either incredibly stupid/fake but please, hear me out.

Also: We were not high/on pills/drunk. We are relatively clean, sane, sober people, okay?

Me and my friend were at this carpark in town (we go there because at the top no one ever goes so it's kind of OUR SPOT, ya'know?) And when we went up I kept having this suicidal urge and felt like I wanted to jump was weird. I assumed that it was because we were up so high, it was probably just messing with our heads: that was the most logical solution.

Anyway, I heard a weird cry/wail and I assumed it was some idiots hanging about on the lower levels (but nobody ever does) and my friend heard it too. Then because we thought it was trouble we went out onto the highest floor where it's open. I heard someone running and I thought it was trouble as I'm from a rough city..then I saw a guy in a white hoodie, bent over. Then it DISAPPEARED. No joke. She saw it too.

We ran down and I saw it AGAIN, on the other end of the floor. I screamed and practically FLEW down the steps (well its more like a ledge thing) and my friend did too. At the bottom we were terrified. Needless to say, we got out of there as fast as we could.

I was walking along the street and I saw him AGAIN, by this chinese restaurant. He wasn't hunched over this time, but I did see him. It made me jump, badly. We went into the bus station toilets as we were near there to talk about it.

I don't believe in the paranormal. This shocked me badly as I have never encountered anything like this before and I am a person that relies mainly on common sense. But this WAS real, I swear. I can't tell anyone I know because they'd think I'm demented, and the same for my friend. I need your help. Is this normal? Are we both going senile? What's happening?

Users, is this normal?

P.S sorry for the long story, I needed to tell you in full. It is not fake, I NEVER post fake stories..I never post stories per sae! Serious answers only please, I am really unnerved.

Voting Results
41% Normal
Based on 54 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    I always want to see a hot guy ghost for some reason.

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  • fartonmyface

    I'm pour cause my frend wanted to bye a bunch of serial and bred. Werst part is, he didn't even eight it all! I want to brake his big tow by jumping on it. But I can't because I don't way enough :[ maybe I'll just beet him with a wooden bored. Or I can hit him in the knows, chute him, or tie a not in a chord and choke him! I don't no, we will just have to sea.

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  • Antir0b0t

    I've had my own experiences with the paranormal before, so I believe this can happen. And Damn it I know how terrifying it can be. Surprisingly, experiencing them isn't as rare as you think. Most people encounter a spirit at least once in their life. Don't let it scare you, it definitely doesn't sound like it has any harmful intentions. Don't let it bother you, if you start to see it more maybe it has something to tell you? Or it's trying to reach out?

    Remember, they aren't all like the horror movies and out to get you. Just spirits, or ghosts? I don't even know, but I have experienced it.. Haha.

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  • keeka_renea13

    I completely believe in the paranormal. If it frightened you that badly, don't go back. You may have seen a ghost. For your safety, stay away from that place and find a new place to hang out.

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  • 800imawesome

    Lay off the LCD.

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    • LCD?

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      • 800imawesome

        You seriously don't know what LCD is?

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        • No.

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          • 800imawesome

            It's a drug that brings on severe hallucinations.

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            • Oh right, well I don't really know stuff like that - at first I thought you might've been talking about LSD.

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  • kelili

    I don't have an explanation but I believe you. Maybe you should pray

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    • Thanks, but I'm not a religious person so I think that'd be an insult! =(

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      • chinese

        yes i remembering this ! he came to my restaurantoutside the window i saw him with white hoodie right?

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        • That's not even funny.

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          • chinese

            if you come work my restraunt i will pay you and hunt ghosts outside here

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            • Thanks for taking the mick, because I really needed that didn't I*

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      • kelili

        Call GHOSTBUSTERS;)

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      • Short4Words

        Why is it an insult? Clearly this maybe evidence of a spiritual side of the world. I've seen/heard/experienced some creepy things but you look, what you saw, is what you saw. I don't have ghost stories, but I've seen spirits, dark things that move on walls, that moved when I rebuked them. If you're a non believer, I would just avoid them it's stupid no matter who you are spiritually, to get involved with those things because they really have no place here. You're probably 10000 times ahead of me, but I would also avoid the car park because that is TERRIFYING.

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        • It's true I guess, I mean the carpark has never been....welcoming. But I usually go up there by myself, if my moms kicked me out the house I go up there and stay until it gets dark. But it was this time when I brought my BFF that it happened.

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