Is it normal to see bright wings on your wall and hear random sighing?

Because this stuff happens in my house and I had a witness for both times it happened and it's creeping me out, I don't want any ghosts or spirits spying on me I'm a paranoid person, I wonder if I can make them leave.

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31% Normal
Based on 32 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • I can think of a few options.

    Ghosts, drugs?, sleep paralysis, aliens, somebody pulling a prank, sasquatch, extra dimensional portals, false memories that it happened, nanobots hide in your wall, allergic reaction, light and wind coming through the window, the mailman (he watches me too), a cat, the tv was on in the other room, God or some other entity, Santa, Super Mario, gnomes, your toys are coming to life and fucking with you, faeries, a burglar, George Bush sending radioactive signals from his spaceship hiding behind the clouds, somebody trying to kill you in your sleep, the pizza delivery guys flashlight was too bright, the government is watching you, or maybe your just losing your mind.

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    • swaginthebag

      But two people saw and heard them at the same time.

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  • seakelp

    Exorcism yo

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  • Pika-girl

    Woah... IT'S NAVI!!

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  • Tommythecat.


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