Is it normal to see "different" as a threat?

I have noticed all of my life people don't like others because of what they like, what they wear,what they look like, and even sexual orientation.

I have come to the obvious conclusion that most humans see being different as a threat. But a threat to what, exactly? Why are humans so afraid of something like a brand name to turn it into rage and hatred?
Don't get me wrong, I judge people sometimes (or even all the time subconsciously) on these types of things. I don't trust people. Never have, I was a bit timid and still am.

But is it normal to see difference as a threat? And if so, a threat to what?

Voting Results
46% Normal
Based on 68 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • dom180

    I think people are hard-wired to see difference as a threat, but that doesn't by any means mean you can't overcome such prejudices.

    One idea I have (and I have many about this) is that difference is seen as a threat specifically to your culture or society. Social cohesion is key to success as a species and difference can lead to a split in the group, removing social cohesion and maybe leading to war which in turn leads to death. Social splits also lead to less productive resource gathering, which in turn leads to death over time and is a sign of genetic weakness which reduces the chance to produce offspring. People might therefore be genetically adapted to find difference threatening because it threatens the established social order.

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    • disthing

      Well said :) I was going to write something similar then saw you got there first and probably put it more eloquently than I would have.

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      • dom180

        Thanks :) Usually you beat me to these sort of questions and do exactly the same thing; say what I would have tried to say but say it better.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    People always outcast things they don't understand, its far easier to not like something than to attempt to understand it. I think its stupid and narrow minded to be like that, but alot of people sadly are.

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    • I agree it's stupid and narrow-minded to think like that. But I suppose we all have our dumb little thoughts on what is to be considered outcast or not.

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  • dongwhan

    Is it normal to see "different" as a threat?
    Not to me,I put different pants and shirt everyday,sometimes even different underwear,wait if I dont put on different underwear everyday then maybe just maybe different is a little threatening.

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    • I mean difference in society. As in, most of a community wears red shirts but then some random guy decides to wear blue. Then the red-shirts would think that guy was weird or not understand why he wears something different than the rest, and therefore are maybe scared of him, seeing the blue-shirt as a threat.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Considering all of the wars human beings have waged against each other, there's no question that humans notice and have conflict with what is considered different in other humans.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I am a threat so in this case its justified.

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  • suckonthis9

    We are a threat to one another, much more than most things are a threat to us.

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  • cooper43

    hony its fine haha

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  • Terence_the_viking

    If you are talking about three tits i think all women would be scared of this.

    Maybe even some men :O

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  • Ghost-of-the-Marlboro-Man

    One thing never changes, the smooth, rich flavor of Marlboro.

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  • Evolutionary psychology. That's why.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I find it facinating listening to people talk about their culture

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  • maybe feelings are mislead place...replace the word threat with scary because its unknown to you and you don't whether to trust it or if will hurt you. So its normal to see others as threats...but allow room to learn otherwise :)

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