Is it normal to seldom wash your work clothing?

Somehow, my work clothes never seem to smell or appear dirty. Yes, I am aware they should be washed because I know I shed dead skin on them and that they make a lot of contact with my work environment.

But what I'm really asking is, does anyone else do this?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • lonewolf1253

    Wash them when they need it. But no, it doesn't hurt not to wash them for a few days if they don't stink. Depends on your job too. I sometimes do the same thing but I don't let them get too filthy.

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  • Boojum

    Many people make a fetish out of cleanliness. Bodies and clothing should be washed when they need to be cleaned, not according to some arbitrary, universal schedule.

    I see nothing wrong with what you're doing, with a couple of caveats.

    First, some people seem incapable of detecting their own body odor, and they simply don't realize that they stink. (On the other hand, some people sweat very little and never seem to develop BO.) If you have someone at work or home you trust to be honest, you might considering asking them to give your clothes a quick sniff

    Also, if you're giving your clothing a quick inspection every day, it could be that you're just not noticing that they're progressively getting a little grubbier each time.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i take it yall aint workin the kinda job where yallre sweatin

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Wash them when they need to be washed. If you think they're they don't smell or appear dirty, they're fine.

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    • JellyFish123

      yeah what this guy said

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  • Justmehere

    Instead of accusing or name-calling, I'll answer honest: I used to be involved in property damage, fires, water, etc, going through the properties and assigning replacement cost for everything in it. So, got dirty. If I was doing, say two jobs in a few days, I often wouldn't wash my work clothes, as they'd get dirty and smokey again in a day or two anyway and would wait until the weekend. That said, though, there were days I'd get so dirty that they went directly into the washer the minute I got home.

    As long as they're not smelling or making you smell, I see no problem with waiting to wash work clothes. Unless you sweat a lot, then, wash the damn things.

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  • Waiting4Superman

    I do it, i wear an apron and an under shirt so it doesn't get dirty but if it does I'll wash it or at least once every 13 days.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've worn clothing more than once without washing and only when they didn't stink. I do iron them if they're wrinkled. I hate doing this but, I have done it before out of necessity. I have no experience with doing this for a job/class. I would feel very bad about doing that. Are you working with food? Do you have any spare uniforms?

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  • McBean

    Other than you, only homeless people do this.

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    • fakeaccount2

      Homeless people work?

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      • Avant-Garde

        They can but it's often very hard for them to be hired. A lot of places want their employees to list permanent addresses, which of course, most homeless people don't have. Maybe the so called, "hidden homeless" would be exempt. Another issue is if they have a record. A lot of places won't hire convicts either.

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      • McBean

        Yes, they will work if they can. But their clothes reik of urine and filth. That limits their opportunities.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Are you depressed, or just lazy?

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    • Scarf

      Both, but mainly the latter. I've also been REALLY busy.

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