Is it normal to self harm with a hair clip?
So I have this small blue hairclip and whenever I get the urge to self harm I scratch myself with the pointy side of it.. Is this normal? Most people who self harm I think use knives.
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So I have this small blue hairclip and whenever I get the urge to self harm I scratch myself with the pointy side of it.. Is this normal? Most people who self harm I think use knives.
some therapy groups encourage rubberbands when a person is recovering from self harming. I say, fuck hurting yourself. Dress up and fight crime like a super hero. Do some good while your trying to get yourself hurt XD
I was under the impression that most people who cut used razors. Or, this was what I was lead to believe. If you must know, I used to cut my gums with dental floss for masochistic purposes. It felt great, but the method left very Conspicuous marks that were, at first, obvious to everyone but myself. I had to stop because of all of the negative attention I got from them.
In regards to the hair pins, I am shocked to hear that they are sharp enough to be used for cutting. Humans are very inventive. Are the pins painted or dyed? It would be good to be cautious of the chemicals used and what effects it could have on the body if these substances found a way into the body.
I was put into a mental hospital once at 15 for cutting myself and one of the banned items (certain items were banned due to the possibility of patients hurting themselves with them) was hairclips. At the time, I met the girl who had come back for outpatient services who was responsible for the ban and she had slashed herself pretty damned deep with those hairclips.
I can't say it's normal but it's been done enough.
I don't get this whole hurting your self thing. Cutting, Why do people do this. I can understand wanting to hurt others though.
I'm curious too but from what I've gathered a lot of people do it to make themselves 'feel' because they have experienced such extreme amounts of shame that have made them emotionless or numb. Not sure if there are other reasons though, if anyone knows please respond.
or another thing I just thought of is that it could be that they have an intense desire to feel a different emotion than the current emotion they are feeling because it's too overwhelming (stress, sadness, anger, whatever it may be)
I do it whenever I have a "breakdown". It's pretty much where I have this huge argument with one of my family members of the same household and I lose. I go to my room, shut my door, and break down in tears. Then I'll grab my weapon of choice (such as the blue hairpin) and cut as deep as I can. That usually does the trick. It's hard to explain why, it just makes me feel like I've "got them back".
ohh wow I understand that feeling in a different experience. Now i'm trying to use psychology to figure out why we feel causing harm to ourselves gets back at them (especially if they do not know we are harming ourselves). Hmmm I'm gonna do some research on this actually. I don't know if you're interested or care about the psychology behind it but if you are I will let you know whatever I find out.
either way, stay strong- try to find other outlets such as funny youtube videos or uplifting music. roll with the punches by lenka helped me through some stressful times. (:
My best advice is when you feel like self harming, turn that impolsive self destructive energy and make it explosive, send it out. Try taking and old pillow and stab The Living Fuck out of it, that helped me, but DO NOT hurt yourself or others.
Technically its not normal to self harm at all so who cares what you use? Some people cut, some burn, some pull their hair out, using a hair clip is just another way to do it but the fact that your friends know you do it ether implys to me that this question is fake or you're just an attention seeker. Then again it could be neither but that seems much less likely