Is it normal to self heal depression?

Some medication for depression have other serious unwanted side effects.

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70% Normal
Based on 23 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Medication helps it helped me for a little while but I was the lucky one that would get the rare side effects from the medication. So I had to go through several until I found one that helped and the side effects were manageable. I found therapy and changing aspects about my life helped the most. You can help yourself but having a support system like a therapist is a huge benefit.

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    • sillygirl77

      I've been helped a lot by meds too. I tried talk therapy first and it wasn't enough. I'm glad I tried it first, because I didn't want to jump to meds, but if you need them you need them. Glad you found a combo of therapy and meds that is helpful. OP I hope whatever you wind up doing you feel better soon.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Hello darkness my old friend, I'm come to talk with you again.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    It's not a wise decision. Did you know depression left untreated can alter your brain-chemistry permanently? So what could have been temporary, and solved by a temporary therapy/medication regime might now turn into major depression, and be something you live with and get treated for, for the rest of your life.

    Having said that, I had bouts of depression in the past several months. And I didn't budge either. But in my case I had this strange certainty that it was a phase, a necessary phase... phoenix-esque. And lately I've witnessed indications that I was right. So... it's a judgement call, but the -least- you can do is to find someone you can always reach out or talk to.

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    • despuit

      I don't think you can permanently alter your neruological chemistry. I think it is something you program yes, subjective to nature/nuture. However I believe it can also be condintioned in any direction at any time. I do have brain damage (Drugs), so I can't be happy. With that said, I;ve condintioned myself to be content and happy in my own way I may never become estactic but also I don't become angry anymore. I only ever feel puzzled. Depression is a black swan it forces you to reflect on life, and I do all the time (twice as fun with schizophrenia) is why I don't fit in anymore but I don't think of it as a negative if you can be dettached from it and accept it for what it is you'll be ok. I believe trere are heonly two true emotions, which I still feel the primitive feeling of love, and the perspective feeling of joy. Outside of that life is dark, and miserable and as much as I'd love to say I hate it I simply can't. But all so I will never fret the day when I die, is life. You can't fight it with these silly lables, or push to the side with medication. Just face it, accept it, and carry on the best you can. Is real hard some days, but so long as you're breathing still it is ok.

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  • sillygirl77

    Why not try talk therapy first?

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  • thegypsysailor

    No amount of medication will cure your depression, any more than a doctor can. They can help you manage it, but only you can actually ease or even beat it.
    Good results often come from a complete change of circumstances and living arrangements.
    A new job you are looking forward to and getting out of your parents' house are a couple of examples of what could radically improve depression.
    Good luck.

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  • I don't think you technically self heal depression, as in it really doesn't "go away". But you can minimize the effects by keeping busy and by recognizing the signs when they come along.

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