Is it normal to shout at people from cars?

Many are familiar with "trolling" on the internet, but me and my friends take this antagonizing hobby to an in-real-life environment. While they drive, I would say cryptic messages to people walking. They could be anywhere from "You're next" to "What has happened will happen again" to "You've been replaced". They're really just for confusion and to, well, antagonize. We think it's absolutely hilarious, what we say and their reactions. There really isn't any follow up -- we don't go on to harass them further, it's much like a hit-and-run. We don't go out for the purpose of doing this, but it's more like something we do on the way to places. I wonder if other people do this also.

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 67 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • aussiewolf

    keep doing that and one day someone is going to pull out a shotgun and take you retards out of society. dont you have something else to do? try masturbating each other.

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  • i just walked to work and girls screamed out to me from a car it sounded like "You are not alone" i looked behind me but i was alone in the dark. strange but comforting as well

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  • MahBoi24

    I threaten people when I'm driving. Especially moos in SUVs that are carting their brats off somewhere. It's fun to threaten the kids lol.

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  • undead88

    i do the same thing on foot but i say shit like im gonna jerk off on ur granpa

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  • LOL any more message ideas ?

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    • tumblrprincess

      "We saw what you did."

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  • chocolatenugget

    SOMEONE needs to get laid

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Shouting at people on the sidewalks from a moving car is a sign of cowardice.

    Oh and by the way, I bet you wouldn't say that stuff to someone's face, especially when you don't have a vehicle to ''escape'' from. :)

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    • tumblrprincess

      At least I'm not Bill O'Reilly.

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  • Dozis

    Yeah,fucking lowlife troublemakers.

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  • dappled

    I still giggle at The Inbetweeners with Jay shouting "bus wankers" at a bus stop queue while passing them in Simon's car.

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  • ryanos

    If you are old enough to have friends with cars then you are too old to do this.

    Time to grow up and contribute to society.

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  • BurnaTwist

    if you cant yell random fucked up shit to people walkin down the street i dont wanna live in america any more, its meaningless harmless fun, i sometimes used an air horn lmao it scares the shit out of people, the more random the better. hurting people is never the intention and attacking people is wrong, i would also drive thru peoples leaves in the fall if the decided to rake them on the street

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  • derpyhoofs

    my dad has done this sometimes when hes able to pick me up from works (bus takes 4ever) he yells, EEEEEEHYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!

    out the fucking window at random people.

    im like wtf... -.- your retarded.

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  • Solophonic

    Freaking out squares is always fun and if you don't think so...well then we all know who the square is.

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  • AngAnders112

    LOL fucking hilarious!

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  • Oli

    I hate people like you. A friend and I almost got grabbed by idiots like you "having fun" and "trolling".

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    • tumblrprincess

      We never grab. Your argument is invalid to my situation, "by idiots like you".

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      • Oli

        Yeah but it's not really nice getting yelled at by people in cars or barked at. You should grow up before you really get in trouble.

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  • Shouting at people from cars is a bitch move. The blacks around where I used to live did it all the time, but they would NEVER get out. Even if you chased them they would speed off, feeling all hardcore. Fucking pussies.

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  • tonsoffun300zx

    this only happens when i ride shotgun my older brother will find random people and i will yell "B!tch!!!" in a certin way and we crack up at that every time. it's just funny as hell to see the people just trip out.

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  • Violet_Heart

    lol My friends and I do this too xD but we're not mean or anything.. it's just hilarious. And might as well have fun now before we're old, right?

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  • Faceless

    My friend and I do something similar but its just to confuse anyone listening to our conversation or someone with in earshot. He'll raise his voice and say "... Oh, theres a secret door alright, and when I find it theyre gonna wish I hadnt." And another favorite one is, "...And these people actually live IN the trees." Funny shit.

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  • joybird

    I think you might like to consider what problems these strangers may have. For example, some lady may be worrying about her husband behaving strangely and you shout "You've been replaced!" She might think it's someone trying to tell her that her suspicions are true. She wouldn't be the first to go home and take an overdose - then how would you feel if you ever heard about it?

    I think wolf whistles are less harmful.

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  • dom180

    People who do this are total douchebags. The number of times I've born the brunt of the shit that people shout from cars doesn't bear thinking about. I get it almost every time I walk about town by myself.

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  • emilydoll

    Not normal but really funny!

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