Is it normal to single out yorkies to hate?

I love dogs, I have owned several dogs. However, I cannot stand to look, touch, or think about yorkies. I believe biologically and imaginatively, they are the most entitled dog. Yorkies are disobedient, loud, entitled, souless, and annoying. When I see one I have an urge to put it in its place by killing it or hitting it hard. I am even more insensed that people dress these creatures up with ribbons and encourage this behavior. Although I would never act on this, I still dream about meeting a snarling, barking, and yipping yorkie and caving its entitled skull in. is my yorkie hatred normal or heard of?

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 733 votes (570 yes)
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Comments ( 72 )
  • Theviper11

    Yeah I can relate to this thread big time, I love most dogs like Staffs, German Shepard's or rotteweilers etc but Yorkshire terriers are fucking rodents that bark, growl, act entitled, and have no discipline whatsoever and the owners that treat them like baby's annoy the shit out of me. I would never act on this but I'd love to give a punt to one of these Yorkshire terriers. The lhasa aspo is not far behind either

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    • ILoveyorkies

      You guys are sick.hating an animal just because of its breed is disgusting. The breed isnt the problem i own a yorkie and hes the sweetest most caring and loving dog I’ve ever met . Yorkies are great dogs if they have decent owners who dont baby them. That being said i hope u get hit by a bus

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      • Pitbulllchanel

        I do not believe in animal abuse and I love every animal but My boyfriend has had his for 3 years we have been together for almost 1 year and I have tried over and over to get along with this dog but it is the dumbest annoying thing I have ever met and we have agreeed to get rid of her she stinks she bites me she’s awful and she was 3 thousands dollars no thanks waste of dog

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    • YirDaSellsAvonn

      So would those breeds if their owners treated them like baby's not a problem with Yorkeies just bad owners but your too dumb to understand stand

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  • andhow

    Google provided the link to this page after telling it that "I hate Yorkshire Terriers" and think they are useless".

    With that said and to continue with the initial topic, I totally agree with the person who started this thread. In fact i refer to these creatures as footballs whilst wondering how far I think i could punt one..

    Seriously I can't stand these dogs, the fact that I googled the quote above helped me come to terms that I'm not alone after all..

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    • ihateyorkies

      U are not alone. I wish my boyfriends yorkie would die, I always think of force feeding it chocolate so it would die .
      They are entitled and fucking nasty disgusting creatures and I have so much hate for them it can’t be put into words. I fucking hate them.

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  • iwearshoes

    To whom posted this, I feel the same exact way you feel. I don't fully understand how I could hate these creatures so much but I do. They're disgusting faces and wimp bodies, with their annoying little bark. I can't stand these things more than anything and this is the only creature I feel this way too. Any other small size dog does not bother me and I would feel horrible for being mean to it, but yorkies make me want to kill them. Like you I also dream about meeting one of these dogs and torturing it but feel the same way about never acting on it. Everything I see one I want to punt it. I'm interested to see someone with the same hatred as me, I wonder why we feel this way, I really want to know.

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    • Wtfiswrongwithus

      I feel the exact same way, but the thing is, I have acted on it. My girlfriend has a little Yorkie terrier puppy named Bella and whenever I go to her house I go to the back room and tell her I will be right there. Bella (that fucking retard) gleefully hops into my lap, like she's allowed to or something. She smells like shit, looks fucking retarded, and yet my gf still worships Bella. I grab her head, cover her mouth and nose so she doesn't yelp and scream, and then I squeeze her neck and punch her in the head and back over and over. She wheezes and I can hear muffled yelps in my hand, and I pinch her and poke her beady little eyes. I throw her onto the tile floor, she wheezes more, then after that, she just jumps right back onto the couch next to me and curls into a ball. I repeat the process, and also drive her into a corner, kicking her and punching her more. She tries to escape, her little claws scratching on the floor as she runs in place on the cold hard tile floor. Of course I push her back into the corner and she shits all over the floor. Even more reason to repeat the process more and more. I pick her up and forcefully drop her on her head. She yelps loudly, and it's music to my ears. My gf is confused when I go back into her room, and I make up an excuse that she hates it when I put on her harness

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      • Basil12345

        Keep it up

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      • bestcommentever

        I signed up just to tell you that this brought tears of joy to my eyes. Knowing someone feels the same emotion I do about those little fucks is incredible. You sir, sound like someone I would love to have a beer with. Fuck those little fucking fucks. They deserved to have all of this done to them and more. Music to my ears is an understatement. You deserve a medal of honor. Who buys or owns a Yorkie is BEYOND ME. Fuck little dogs. Absolute joke. You can call me crazy and say I have a complex, but let me tell you, to want to own / own one of those fucking monsters is the ultimate complex...Fuck yorkies and their owners idc

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        • Rocketface

          Its fun to stick a tent peg half way up its arse and watch the little cunt run around dribbling blood everywhere.

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        • WtfIsWrongWithYouOmg

          You should also be ashamed because this is as equally disgusting. you see I created this account just to report and express my hate to you two. If you read my name, you know just how I feel about you.

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      • imgonnabeatyourass


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      • WtfIsWrongWithYouOmg

        I am honestly so disgusted and I hope that your girlfriend finds out and dumps you so you don't ever touch that dog or any dog ever again. Although it's been a year, I hope this has already stopped. You should be ashamed because this is horribly disturbing. I cannot express my hate for you. Hope you end up burning in hell.

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        • Thornton

          A friend of mine looks forward to meeting his gf, so he can show her little Yorkie who's boss. So when his gf isn't watching, he does the following: holds the neck of the Yorkie down forcefully and pulls at the hairs on the butt end whilst gripping hard and pinching the area behind the neck region. He wraps up fine black pepper in a piece of foil and secretly dusts it over the Yorkies nostril and face. He holds the Yorkie head high then drops it on the floor just in time to deliver a short drop kick to the ribs, but not hard enough to break bones, that would just send the yorkie to the vet and, he wants to enjoy a slow torture instead of a hard kill. Next he puts the yorkie in the tumble dryer on cool setting so the yorkie can spin inside the dryer to the tune of its own whimpering whilst it pisses itself wet in the dryer. At times the yorkie is placed in a small plastic shopping bag, and the bag is hung up on a coat hanger or somewhere for half an hour. His favorite thing to do is place the yorkie in a toilet then close the toilet lid on it for an hour at least. But the thing he loves to do the most is tie atomic loud firecrackers to its tail till the yorkie goes off its rockers. I think I will show him this post because I see now that its normal and ok to do what he is doing, absolutely nothing wrong with it at all.

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      • Basil12345

        I hear you buddy

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      • Rocketface

        You are awesome I want to meet you.

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      • ihateyorkies

        My friends dog is named Bella too and it’s a yorkie and I want to fucking strangle her and torture her

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      • ihateyorkies

        Keep it up I fuckinf hate these stupid fucking skinny rodents

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    • 456

      You need help!

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  • Herman65

    I have met multiple girlies spoiled or not they are disgusting, useless and absolutely repulsive pieces of shit I absolutely love dogs but I have tried to love them but they are so fucking useless. I could kick every single one the length of a football field just to feel better as they were a god damn mistake and should all be mercy killed.

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  • fuckyorkiesandtheirowners

    Ha! All this people sticking up for this useless fucking rodents is just sickening to my stomach, why england produces this kind of abormination is beyond me.

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  • Danielle79

    My neighbor’s yorkie, runs free and pisses and poops in whichever yard he chooses. The little effer will also lift his leg and pee on a person. My close friends yorkie came to my house and pissed on my kid’s toy box within 30 seconds of walking in my door. I love dogs, but I’d be ok if this breed went extinct.

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    • Rocketface

      You should kill it.

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  • imgonnabeatyourass

    Listen psychotic ass white people. You bitches are fucking crazy I swear to the Lord, if I EVER catch ANY of you hoe ass crazy ass insane ass white people on da street, you finna get run up on. I swear to FUCKING God, I will beat the fuck out of all y'all bitches. This is why everyone always be like white people fucking crazy. You wonder why we think y'all fucking crazy? Out here tryna bash a dogs head in. OH HELL NO. BITCH JUST WAIT TILL I CATCH THE STREETS MY FATHERS A VETERAN FUCK WITH ME I DARE YOU!!!

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    • Thornton

      A friend of mine looks forward to meeting his gf, so he can show her little Yorkie who's boss. So when his gf isn't watching, he does the following: holds the neck of the Yorkie down forcefully and pulls at the hairs on the butt end whilst gripping hard and pinching the area behind the neck region. He wraps up fine black pepper in a piece of foil and secretly dusts it over the Yorkies nostril and face. He holds the Yorkie head high then drops it on the floor just in time to deliver a short drop kick to the ribs, but not hard enough to break bones, that would just send the yorkie to the vet and, he wants to enjoy a slow torture instead of a hard kill. Next he puts the yorkie in the tumble dryer on cool setting so the yorkie can spin inside the dryer to the tune of its own whimpering whilst it pisses itself wet in the dryer. At times the yorkie is placed in a small plastic shopping bag, and the bag is hung up on a coat hanger or somewhere for half an hour. His favorite thing to do is place the yorkie in a toilet then close the toilet lid on it for an hour at least. But the thing he loves to do the most is tie atomic loud firecrackers to its tail till the yorkie goes off its rockers. I think I will show him this post because I see now that its normal and ok to do what he is doing, absolutely nothing wrong with it at all.

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  • alv1592

    Why just yorkies? My mom's co-worker has a yorkie-poo, she says he's very sweet. And they're very pretty dogs. Hating any animals that much is evil.

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    • lennyb72

      yorkies were created to hunt rats in yorkshire, england. they are nothing more than a mistake. its that look of entitlement in their eyes that make them worse. they think they can bark, shit, piss, whenever they want bc they are special. i believe these little rodents arent real dogs and should be destroyed. they give other small dogs a bad name.

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      • 456

        I'm trying to figure out what you were created for. You talk, sh** and piss whenever you feel like it...does that make you special?!

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  • yorkies are cute

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  • Lomns

    This person needs help. Seriously

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    • Thornton

      A friend of mine looks forward to meeting his gf, so he can show her little Yorkie who's boss. So when his gf isn't watching, he does the following: holds the neck of the Yorkie down forcefully and pulls at the hairs on the butt end whilst gripping hard and pinching the area behind the neck region. He wraps up fine black pepper in a piece of foil and secretly dusts it over the Yorkies nostril and face. He holds the Yorkie head high then drops it on the floor just in time to deliver a short drop kick to the ribs, but not hard enough to break bones, that would just send the yorkie to the vet and, he wants to enjoy a slow torture instead of a hard kill. Next he puts the yorkie in the tumble dryer on cool setting so the yorkie can spin inside the dryer to the tune of its own whimpering whilst it pisses itself wet in the dryer. At times the yorkie is placed in a small plastic shopping bag, and the bag is hung up on a coat hanger or somewhere for half an hour. His favorite thing to do is place the yorkie in a toilet then close the toilet lid on it for an hour at least. But the thing he loves to do the most is tie atomic loud firecrackers to its tail till the yorkie goes off its rockers. I think I will show him this post because I see now that its normal and ok to do what he is doing, absolutely nothing wrong with it at all.

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    • lennyb72

      no, i am a decent person who loves most dogs. i would never kill a yorkie. However, i believe take more than they deserve and they shouldnt be allowed this luxury. they need to know they are the worst and they deserve to be extinct.

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      • 456

        Do you know the definition of decent? What the hell can a dog take you simple minded idiot? People like you need to be extinct.....I am happy to see your parents brought you up right!!

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      • yeeewyewyeww

        Now now, thats just being plain ignorent. You should treat everything equal unless they go out of their way to hurt you. In this case, your just generalising them by the way their owners treat them, Not how they would act if treated and trained properly. Nothing deserves to be extinct.

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        • lennyb72

          no, yorkies are uniquely selfish and entitled. They take and do not give. In a perfect world we could buy yorkie traps to break their necks, but some people regard these rodents as pets. however, we must be vigilant and crack yorkies in the head if they act disobedient.

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          • 456

            I think someone needs to crack you in the head or maybe they already did?!

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            • Thornton

              A friend of mine looks forward to meeting his gf, so he can show her little Yorkie who's boss. So when his gf isn't watching, he does the following: holds the neck of the Yorkie down forcefully and pulls at the hairs on the butt end whilst gripping hard and pinching the area behind the neck region. He wraps up fine black pepper in a piece of foil and secretly dusts it over the Yorkies nostril and face. He holds the Yorkie head high then drops it on the floor just in time to deliver a short drop kick to the ribs, but not hard enough to break bones, that would just send the yorkie to the vet and, he wants to enjoy a slow torture instead of a hard kill. Next he puts the yorkie in the tumble dryer on cool setting so the yorkie can spin inside the dryer to the tune of its own whimpering whilst it pisses itself wet in the dryer. At times the yorkie is placed in a small plastic shopping bag, and the bag is hung up on a coat hanger or somewhere for half an hour. His favorite thing to do is place the yorkie in a toilet then close the toilet lid on it for an hour at least. But the thing he loves to do the most is tie atomic loud firecrackers to its tail till the yorkie goes off its rockers. I think I will show him this post because I see now that its normal and ok to do what he is doing, absolutely nothing wrong with it at all.

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          • SittingintheCorner

            I was actually going to say this was normal as I myself can't stand Chihuahuas. But now I wish I could change my vote.

            "They take and do not give"? realize they're DOGS right? As in, they don't understand what isn't taught to them? As in if there aren't any rats around to hunt, unless you teach them to do something else, they probably won't do much? As in their ANIMALS?

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  • tbiM20

    Don't blame the dog, blame the owner. A small dog is just as capable of being well-mannered as a large one, but people who want "purse dogs" will ignore the discipline bc they simply manhandle and spoil the dog.

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    • EmanSselesu

      My neighbor has a yorkie that goes bananas each time someone passes our place, whenever a dog goes past it goes into bug-eyed hysterics. Every weekend I get to listen to the beast yap itself hoarse a dozen times a day.
      I had a guinea pig as an artifact of a previous relationship and the yorkie literally scared my little buddy to death with its barking.
      One night recently I heard the dog woof a few times and thought to myself how uncharacteristically quiet it was. This was during the time crackheads were breaking into my truck.
      Thanks for sounding the alarm you useless rodent!
      On the bright side this hatefull barking rat inspires me to compose haiku.
      Gleefully I toss
      My neighbors dog in the fire
      Then awaken, sad

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      • Rocketface

        You should kill it.

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        • Apple8532

          I agree!

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    • lennyb72

      I understand its the owners. But I dont mind small dogs and stupid owners. I just single out yorkies, to me, they areentitled and do what they want. When in reality they were just bred to hunt rats in England. So, its not normal to wanna take a blunt object and cave their selfish bodies in?

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      • 456

        No it's not and I think you need to see a professional ASAP

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      • BTStallion


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  • RinTin

    It's not the dogs fault it's the owner. They have little dog syndrome because their owners don't train them correctly.

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  • Thornton

    A friend of mine looks forward to meeting his gf, so he can show her little Yorkie who's boss. So when his gf isn't watching, he does the following: holds the neck of the Yorkie down forcefully and pulls at the hairs on the butt end whilst gripping hard and pinching the area behind the neck region. He wraps up fine black pepper in a piece of foil and secretly dusts it over the Yorkies nostril and face. He holds the Yorkie head high then drops it on the floor just in time to deliver a short drop kick to the ribs, but not hard enough to break bones, that would just send the yorkie to the vet and, he wants to enjoy a slow torture instead of a hard kill. Next he puts the yorkie in the tumble dryer on cool setting so the yorkie can spin inside the dryer to the tune of its own whimpering whilst it pisses itself wet in the dryer. At times the yorkie is placed in a small plastic shopping bag, and the bag is hung up on a coat hanger or somewhere for half an hour. His favorite thing to do is place the yorkie in a toilet then close the toilet lid on it for an hour at least. But the thing he loves to do the most is tie atomic loud firecrackers to its tail till the yorkie goes off its rockers. I think I will show him this post because I see now that its normal and ok to do what he is doing, absolutely nothing wrong with it at all.

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  • Apple8532

    Im so glad I’m not the only one who thinks this

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  • Apple8532

    Fuck Yorkies. You might as well just get a cat. They’re self entitled little pricks who think they own the world.

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  • TheHaterHunter

    The problem is not about hating yorkies, the problem is you lot! They are mirroring the traits you see in yourselves!
    Seriously you are all a human version of them if you like.
    Narcissistic psychopaths comes to mind when i read these comments.
    God help the people who have to deal with your hatred!
    Put you all in a room together with your common interest and i am a 100 per cent sure, it wouldn't take long before you devoured each other! I would walk away from situations if i were you if it brings up that amount of sick twisted thoughts, or better still, i hope the people involved with you, wake up and run from you as fast as they can!!

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    • Thornton

      A friend of mine looks forward to meeting his gf, so he can show her little Yorkie who's boss. So when his gf isn't watching, he does the following: holds the neck of the Yorkie down forcefully and pulls at the hairs on the butt end whilst gripping hard and pinching the area behind the neck region. He wraps up fine black pepper in a piece of foil and secretly dusts it over the Yorkies nostril and face. He holds the Yorkie head high then drops it on the floor just in time to deliver a short drop kick to the ribs, but not hard enough to break bones, that would just send the yorkie to the vet and, he wants to enjoy a slow torture instead of a hard kill. Next he puts the yorkie in the tumble dryer on cool setting so the yorkie can spin inside the dryer to the tune of its own whimpering whilst it pisses itself wet in the dryer. At times the yorkie is placed in a small plastic shopping bag, and the bag is hung up on a coat hanger or somewhere for half an hour. His favorite thing to do is place the yorkie in a toilet then close the toilet lid on it for an hour at least. But the thing he loves to do the most is tie atomic loud firecrackers to its tail till the yorkie goes off its rockers. I think I will show him this post because I see now that its normal and ok to do what he is doing, absolutely nothing wrong with it at all.

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      • Juancho

        I always thought a bucket would be good with a lid. Repeatedly kick the bucket down the steps over and over until the yapping stops

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        • Thornton

          Also try putting the the it in a tyre and rolling the tyre down the street

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  • Queen_Meteor

    Yes it's normal. I'm the same, except I also despise toy poodles and maltese, bichon frise, and those varieties. They are so yappy and shit in the house every single day, and their monthly groom bill cost more than a human haircut.

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  • Rocketface

    I hate them, my boyfriend has one and its always trying to jump in between my boobs. I want to chop its legs off and watch it squirm on the ground while it yelps in pain.

    My german sheperd wants to eat it to, we can't walk our dogs together for this reason. I just can't stand looking at it, hearing its incessant yappy high pitched whining, it stinks of shit, it shits and pisses on the floor at the slightest noise, it's a dog with down sydrome, should have been drowned at birth.

    He's going away for a week in a monthes time, I am going to accidentally on purpose let it out with my dog & watch it get torn apart when he bites it on the head & I "try" to pull it out of his mouth by yanking on its back legs.

    I hate all rat dog owners, get a proper dog, rat dogs don't deserve to live!

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  • nriecs

    I love dogs so much but I hate yorkies. Yorkies barks are like a high pitched squeal! Also, they pee and poop everywhere! My friend owns a yorkie and it can’t sit still for a minute, also her yorkie always goes to the bathroom in the house and then she excuses it as “she is just sick”. They are over praised and are not even cute! They are like little rats! And when people dress them up it makes me so mad!

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    • Rocketface

      Rip the cunts tongue out. I like to get a pair of plies and crush their balls, fuck does the little cunt yelp!!

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  • Murun

    I always liked the raisin and biscuit ones.

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  • YirDaSellsAvonn

    No even read half this pish but av got a Yorkie and he's most loyal dog even attacked my abusive ex saved my live when I took I'll and has gave me confidence since I really struggled bein autistic I have treated him exactly the same as all the dogs I have had and he's bein the best so far can't wait too rip yous to shreds we words when yous start yir greeting no real men getting upset over a we dog yous need big dog to make yous like hard men next jokes

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  • silkyterriersruseless

    I don't condone violence toward other humans or animals. With that being said, I attest that my sig. other's silky terrier would most likely be better off euthanized. When he rescued her, she was psychologically damaged from the previous owner's perpetual abuse. Due diligence was in store for this pitiful little dog, therefore, many, many attempts over time has been afforded to retrain this animal toward less insecurities. With that being said, little has changed over the previous 6 years. When she is not fearful, she is clingy. There is nothing wrong with clingy necessarily, if that is your thing, however, if one is accustomed to more independent animals, or larger breeds that can find something to do other than to be nestled continuously at your side, or following you into every room over the course of several hours needlessly, this perpetual and obnoxious behavior can become incredibly wearing even when years of previous training proves futile. When left unattended for several hours, upon return, she will pitch a squeal so high, even the neighbors have commented that she sounds as though she was being abused or murdered, when in fact, she is greeting us. I have told my sig other repeatedly that she would fare much better with someone who could be with her 24/7, as obviously this is they type of care she needs, however, this falls upon deaf ears. I have an incredible amount of guilt for wanting to give up on this animal. I have had various breeds of large and small dogs in my life, but this one is an exception, with little remedy to be sustained.

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  • walkingdildo

    They are a ridiculous and pitiful breed, but to wish them extinct is equally ridiculous and pitiful.

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    • YirDaSellsAvonn

      Your a pitiful breed

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      • walkingdildo

        Only a pitiful breed misspells you're.

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  • Somestupidname

    I hope you get your annoying head bashed in. You are truley insane. Did your mom drop you when you were a baby? I hope you don't have any children or pets because you are truly one psychotic piece of work. I want to meet you in real life and beat the crap out of you. I actually own two yorkies and people like you make me feel sick and if I ever do meet you, I will never let you into my home, you insane mother fucker. I hope you get "destroyed" because insane people like you need to be locked up in a mental hospital, or "extinct".

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  • ely02mercado

    I'm sorry but it seems you are annoyed with a small creature that are just using their agressiveness to protect themselves. I am sometimes get annoyed by my yorkie pup too cause he kept on licking my face and play tug-o-war with my pillow. I even hitted him once but I learned that their fragility is high due to the fact that they are really small. come on, it is just a small puppy. Eventually, yorkie pups will grow too and they will become a great disciplined toy dog the way you want them to be . Dogs have feelings too, you know . If you don't like yorkies then don't attempt to kill them. Yorkies are dogs too and I think you are a dog lover based on what you have said that you had adopted many dogs . If you are really a dog lover then there should be no exception ...

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  • 456

    You people are seriously deranged. I hope none of you have children/pets and if you do I feel sorry for them. You sound like a bunch of serial killers. What is wrong with people these days?!

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  • hattie

    You are evil.

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  • Unicron

    They're like that because their owners treat them like spoiled human babies instead of like dogs.

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    • lennyb72

      i understand that, but yorkies are unique bc even being spoiled, they are overly entitled. i like big dogs or small dogs. i dont mind if most dogs are spoiled. but when i see or hear a yorkie i want to repeatedly bash its disobedient face in. to teach the breed and the dog it is suppose to serve. i cant even look at a yorkie without wanting to destroy it.

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      • Itsme25

        Yes same here

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