Is it normal to sit in the house 24/7 literally

I'm 18 and unfortunately has been unable to find a job this summer, as well as get my license. My mom works from 6am to 7pm, and my older brother is a work all day as well. Which leaves me at home all day by myself and it's really taking a toll on me. Most days I don't even wish to wake up because I know i'm gonna be doing the same thing I do everyday, looking at these same 4 walls. It sucks cause I hear everyone else talking about going out and having fun, or spending their paychecks. & I have nothing. It makes me feel depressed and unworthy of happiness. This can't be normal, or healthy. A girl needs some fresh or, or a little outing sometimes. But I find myself not being able to b/c everyone is either at work, doesn't wanna pick me up, or just doesn't wanna hang out w/ me.

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Comments ( 28 )
  • freddo

    I'm in that position right now

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  • dappled

    I was in the same position for a period when I left university. The boredom leads to depression fairly quickly, and I know how you feel. In the end I chose to do voluntary work for a short period. It gave me back some structure in my day, got me out and about, and also made me feel good about myself.

    Worked for me.

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  • Lol I totally could've written this post.

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  • Sounds awesome. Sit around and do nothing for free.

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  • honeybeee

    omg this is exactly like my life!!! thats trippy!it's been this way since I was 18 and now I'm 21 I really need some frienddds but lol I couldnt get my license coz I had no car to learn in and I finally got a car and my license test is booked this Thursday I hope I passs so my life can finally change !!!

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  • I'll come pick you up, and we can play all day.

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  • Gena45

    I'm always home as well.

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  • Solophonic

    That's what I did when I got out of high school, my plan was to work and save money to invest. Unfortunately the stock market crashed a month before graduation and I got stuck at home for a whole year sending out resumes and doing application before I finally got a call back from a KFC. Try applying to fast food places, now is great in general because all the students are going back to college.

    Oh and during that time (I don't do it anymore) Warcraft helped kill time.

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  • deb

    Are you going to college after summer? Mabey things will get better then.

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  • BfingIToucher

    Perhaps pursue getting your license? Maybe you won't have a car to drive all the time, but could you borrow your mother's at night?

    Also, try getting outside. The fresh air and sun will help. It's hard to motivate yourself to do this, but I really think it might uplift your spirits.

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  • Faceless

    You can always huff house hold cleaning products. Thats always fun!

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  • joybird

    You need to get up and get motivated pet. Get up, showered and dressed as if you're going to work. I'm sure your mom would appreciate a little help around the house or garden - and might even pay you for your trouble ;o)

    I agree with dappled, although I think you could advertise to babysit, walk dogs, or act as a mother's help over the summer. Your worried about your friends, and maybe they're finding you boring as you've nothing to contribute - but you'll always have funny stories to tell them about kids.

    BTW you'd hate to be a stay at home mom!

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  • Patti92

    =O holy..crap...story of my frekkin 19 year old life. dear god i know how you feel..i think you may be my new best friend

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  • pambambam

    when my parents got divorce me and my mom moved to a 2 bed apartment. my mom worked all day and i got fire from my part time job. my boyfriend was a full time employee. i was always home,by myself lonely and bitter. I felt depressed all day. not having "real " friends to come see me. I didnt have a car. nmothing.I know how depressing it can get. So id say apply as much as you can so you can get a job. go walk. rty to sale something on ebay , something that can keep you busy.

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  • anonymooose


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  • anonymooose

    I've been in the exact same situation all summer. Luckily, school will be starting again in a few weeks and it will hopefully add some much needed structure to my life.

    I would suggest trying simple things. Take a walk. Read a new book. Take up a new hobby such as gardening, cooking, photography, etc. Try writing. Clean. Start a bucket list. Give yourself a makeover. As long as you're doing something, no matter how small the tas,, it'll help to get you out of your funk.

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  • ThePlaylist

    i did the exactly same thing in 1 year and then and it's hard to break your habbit but the sooner the better. Everything can only go up from here it will all be better if you just go out alot that's where the fun is. Not inside your room. So get out of your house so quick as possible.

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  • Darkoil

    Im the same at the minute, just finished uni a couple of months ago and have struggled to find a job.

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  • lc1988

    As the great philosopher korn would say, "shut the fuck up get up."

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  • Janet1957

    I know exactly how you feel. I lost my job in December and still have not found work . I barely scrape by on unemployment so there is no cash for a little fun every now and then . I am in my apt day after day after day . After awhile get to where you do not want to leave . Sometimes I do not see another human being for a week or two . I spend most of my time talking to my two cats or starring at tv or in computer looking for work. I have turned into a hermit and I sometimes feel guilty like I should do more. It's not healthy to spend that much time alone. Humans are not meant to be solitary . It's also effecting my health. Find a way to get out or it will just get worse. Good luck. Get a cat . Mine are great entertainment . They are the only things that can make me smile these days.

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  • Dozis

    Can't you just go out there to take a walk?
    You definitely need yourself a dog.
    I probably am not the right person to give you this advice since I didn't get out of home for,damn it,I forgot how long it has been.

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  • Tisgranum

    What I don't get is that, "not being able to find a job", and staying at home 24/7. Why the fuck aren't you still out there looking?

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  • LoserVirgin

    You better think of something before you become depressed like myself

    I had 3 years with out going outside.

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  • LaLaLaa

    All you can do is keep looking for a job, keep in touch with friends and go out with them whenever you can and maybe even do a little housework or take the dog a walk. Even if you fancy getting magazines have a walk to the shop with your ipod in. Get a reason to get out whenever you can. I know how this feels... especially not wanting to get up. You will get ridiculously lonely if you dont force yourself out!

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  • supaflyafro

    i think ur afraid to visit the people in ur neighborhood

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  • AngAnders112

    This is called depression. Yep it's normal.

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  • sleepingbeauty

    It's easy to end up in a situation like this, in fact I am in that situation right now with having moved to a new area and working mostly from home.

    Only you can change it, I am trying to get back into University (albeit somewhat late in life) and I have started at the local gym. If I didn't do something to interact with others I would go crazy!

    So do something constructive to change your present situation.

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  • 1nfestor

    I(ghhlglghgl) uncle called stewie he used to sell baisykalz goo goo ga jew
    Oowatcha gat thar? OH MAH BIG STINKY DoO DOO head.

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