Is it normal to sleep with and have the urge to carry stuffed animals?
I'm a 25 year old woman, I'm mature intelligent and a realist as well... There's just one catch
.I probably have around 100 stuffed animals.
Most of them are collectibles but I also can't sleep without cuddling at least one of them. It makes me feel safe I suppose, abit like having a pet. My special ones have names, personalities and I even draw comics of them and use them for photography.
I have been this way all my life and from about age 5-12 I had one plush that went with me every single place I did.
I have a boyfreind and we have been dating many years and as far as I know he is supportive of my collecting them, but I still feel abit shy about my "needing" them.
I leave two plushies over at his house and if he has to leave early or something I cuddle one of those. A pillow (no matter how soft or comfortable) will not do it for me, and I actually miss them when I'm out somewhere without them.
A few times I braved it and felt confident enough to actually carry around my plushie raccoon with me or have lucked out and found a plush that had a strap and zipper so it could pass as a purse.. slightly more acceptable.
If I had my way and people weren't so judgemental I'd have my coon (or other favorites) around with me everywhere I go. I'd dress him up and carry me sitting on top of my purse or in the crook of my arm while I went about my day but alas, that's not the world we live in. We're adults goddamit! We have to go to work and drink our coffee and forget about play and imagination.
I will carry plushies around at furry conventions (where it's considered more "normal" and it makes me feel so free.but what are your views?
If you knew someone who was a fairly normal and rational person minus this one little niche what would you think?...