Is it normal to sleep with my parents so roaches cannot get me ?
i have a serious fear of cockroaches ,they freak me out so much that sleep is the furthest thing from my mind
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i have a serious fear of cockroaches ,they freak me out so much that sleep is the furthest thing from my mind
Roaches can't do much to you in your sleep, you have the almighty swatting reflex, even when you sleep. Just get a night light, some repellent/bait, and pull the covers over your head. If it doesn't work, consider that humans were taught to fear roaches. If as a child no one told you roaches were bad, you never saw anyone respond badly to a roach, or didn't have a bad experience with one yourself, you'd would have never been scared. Try to evaluate yourself: why might you be so very afraid? More so than the average person.
well honestly its weird to sleep with your parents for that but its understandable cuz im deathly afraid of roaches....i cry wen i see one. so i have a night light to see if there are any around me but thats it. but if i had a choice i would rid the world of those ugly worthless bugs :(
So, in order to rid yourself of your phobia, you must sleep with your parents? Where do you live, mexico?
do you sleep between them? is there ever any hanky panky and please be honest
do you really like sleeping with your parents and the roaches are just an excuse?
Sleeping with your parents isn't going to protect you. They can't repel roaches. Get a natural bug repellant.
Idk if it would help but you should hang net from your ceiling to your bed, the ones they use for mosquitos(:
Roaches are harmless, yet annoying bugs. Sleeping in your parents bed won't protect you. They'll just crawl on you three while you sleep. Arm yourself with a good roach poison.
I hate roaches to and I understand how sleeping with your parents would make you feel safe .
theyre crawling over the 3 of you during the night, 3 bodies is more of a temptation for them. could you put yr bed in the middle of the room and circle it with insect powder..oh hang on they might dive down from the ceiling, i am confused now
Your parents don't have special roach repelling abilities, so sleeping with them won't protect you from the roaches. Roaches like to eat human flesh, by the way. Especially brains.