Is it normal to sleep with the fan on everynight?
I almost cant fall asleep without it on! Is it unhealthy?
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I almost cant fall asleep without it on! Is it unhealthy?
I do this a lot of the time, you should look up ASMR vids, you might really like them
Good call. I knew there was an Asian country where this superstition was common, but I couldn't immediately recall which one.
Bizarrely, it seems that even official government agencies in Korea endorse the nonsense that leaving a fan on overnight can be fatal. (See the notice issued by the Korea Consumer Protection Board at the end of this Wikipedia article: )
it said the sk government spread the myth to keep power consumption down
the whole fan death thangs in the past peoples grandparents might believe it but nobody young does
and judgin by my numerous visits to sk in the past 2 years theres no fuckin way theys worried bout savin power anymore what with the way the cities get lit up like carnivals
its a really incredible place
The brain constantly craves sensory input. Sudden noises (like a fire-alarm or blast of a car horn) is likely to wake you up, but any constant white-noise (like the sound of a washing machine, fan or rain) dampens your own thoughts to help you sleep.