Is it normal to smash your head on a table
I was mad at my teacher in school because she wouldn't help me so I slammed my head on the desk out of anger so I constantly do that when I'm mad now.
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I was mad at my teacher in school because she wouldn't help me so I slammed my head on the desk out of anger so I constantly do that when I'm mad now.
I was mad when a teacher wouldn't help me so I said, "Oompa Loompa, stick it up your jumper" to her. Although I was only six years old, it still seems a more mature response than yours.
Try to find another way of expressing your anger,perhaps hitting a pillow, even shouting if you like. Dont hit your head, its never a good wayto let the anger out!
Sounds like ur just a spoiled lil brat who cant stand authority or if things don't go ur way. U need to get a major ass kicking, that'll learn ya
If you do it at school it makes you look like a looser weirdo freak! And it probably not good for you...
Haha wow that's weird, my friend was doing that in class today. But he was doing it as a joke.
What you need to do is draw a big circle on the desk. Then right above it, write "for stress relief, bang head here." then draw an arrow pointing to the circle. You see, this way you can justify your actions.
stop doing this if you hit your head hard enough you could become retarted
Stop doing that. That is stupid on quite a level. That doesn't help you. I would imagine it hurts, and it must do damage to your already fragile brain.