Is it normal to smell my cats butt?
sometimes my cat's butt passes me and i just take a quick sniff, and it's not very pleasant but is that normal?
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sometimes my cat's butt passes me and i just take a quick sniff, and it's not very pleasant but is that normal?
that's kinda gross. although sometimes my shihtzu poodle mix farts really badly, and my mom will sniff it really deeply. lol she's kinda weird.
Build a fart inhaler mask and attatch it to said cats ass and inhale the warm aroma - very sexy !
My cats always do that, and I have to push them away and force myself to breath through my nose. Fucking sick cats, and their anal love. Sick I tell you, sick!
Lol, this is really funny!! As humans we're curious to smell things. But what were you expecting? Were you disappointed when it didn't smell good?